Chapter 48

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"You ruined your relationship. You ended the only thing in your life that was good." Deathstroke's voice echoed through the room.

This has been going on for an hour, his voice in my head as I cried at the corner of my bed. It was like I was in another world, filled with all my nightmares.

"Em, Ember." Jason called out while shaking me like crazy. I finally broke, turning my head to face Jason who looked worried.

"I'm sorry, lost in thought." I tried to play it off, acting like I was fine. "Deathstroke got to your head?" He asked, making me nod my head.

Jason took a seat next to me rubbing my back, calming me down. "I'm so sorry, I was stressed out, Deathstroke was in my head, and I lost control." I cried leaning my head into Jason's shoulder.

"It's not your fault, I messed up. I kept seeing myself fall and it messed with my head too. So how about we blame Deathstroke?" He joked, moving my head to face him holding onto my chin.

"Deal" I smiled before he gave me a kiss. "I love you, and no one will change that." He smiled, almost shedding a tear himself. "I love you too." I kissed him again, finally feeling relief about our argument earlier.

"Which one of you did it?" Rachel yelled, barging into the room. "What the fuck are you talking about?" Jason asked, feeling pissed about her ruining our little moment.

"The crosses. I know it was one of you too, more so Jason." She continued to yell. "Rach, we have no idea what you are talking about." I tried to calm her down, getting up from my bed along with Jason, reaching for her.

"Don't fucking lie to me." She yelled, making her eyes go red for a second. "I am fucking done with this." Jason yelled, running out of the room with me and Rachel following behind him.

Rachel kept yelling at us, making me even more angrier, wondering why she would blame us in the first place. "Don't fucking walk away from me." She yelled as we finally reached the main room, with Kory, Dawn and Hank in.

"Whoa, what's happening here?" Dawn questioned, I walked closer to Jason who then put his arm in front of me, keeping me back from the others.

"Jason, or maybe even Ember drew crucifixes all over my mirror." Rachel yelled, "Rachel, we didn't do that." I argued, still confused on why she would blame us. "It's okay if you're angry, guys–" Dawn started, now standing up closer to Rachel with Kory right next to her, before Jason interrupted her.

"We didn't do shit, okay? Don't blame us for her voodoo issues." Jason argued, now getting even more angrier. "What's all the drama about?" Donna asked walking into the room, next to Dawn.

"Somebody drew crosses on Rachel's mirror and she thinks Jason or Ember did it." Dawn answered.

"I know one of them did it." Rachel added, "Cute idea with the bourbon bottle. Not my type, though. I'm more of a sour mash guy. You ever go in my room and pull that shit again, I'll forget what team you're on." Hank yelled, now standing between Dawn and Rachel.

"Why, Jason, Ember?" Donna asked, being the only calm one in the room right now, but still pissed off. "Look, we don't know what happened, guys, but we didn't do it." Jason argued for the both of us.

"What about the picture of Ellis?" Dawn questioned, "The orange soda bottle?" Donna added.

I was going to lose it, we didn't do shit but yet we are the first to be blamed, no one else. "He did it to you guys, too?" Rachel asked, looking at them then back at Jason and I.

"Fuck this." Jason yelled, ready to leave before Hank stopped him. "Hey, we're not done here."

"Why are you even thinking of blaming us? We have no idea about your fucking history so why us?" I argued, moving Jason's hand away and pushing it to the side. "You and Jason both met with Deathstroke one on one, for all we know he could be making you guys break us or some shit like that, Jason was kidnapped by him, and you fought him one on one." Hank yelled, almost making a good point but just spreading a lie.

Deathstroke wasn't using us to mess with them, he was messing with us in our heads, maybe he was behind all of this but we had nothing to do with it.

"You people are insane. I'd rather be with Deathstroke than you assholes." Jason argued, I just looked at him feeling so bad, and a little worried he meant it, meaning he wouldn't want to be with me. "You think everything's my fault." He continued before running off somewhere.

"You have no idea what we have been through in the last 24 hours. We both saw death at the tip of our fingers...Jason fell out of a building, if Connor wasn't there he would be dead." I paused trying not to cry myself, rethinking that horrible memory. "I was stabbed and choked by Deathstroke, if Gar didn't look for me, I would be very dead right now."

"We come back here thinking we were okay with the people we trust the most in the world, and yet here you all are yelling at us and accusing us for something we didn't do. So don't yell at the people who almost died in the last 24 hours, the ones who went through hell just to survive one night. I hope you all are fucking happy." I continued before turning around and pointing the middle finger at them as I followed the direction Jason went.

"Don't apologize to us when you find out we had nothing to do with your personal issues." I added, walking away from them and to the stairs leading to the roof, knowing exactly where Jason went.

"You know I did this about 10 times before." I joked walking out of the doorway closer to Jason who was on the edge of the roof, ready to jump.

"Everytime because I thought I didn't have a reason to live, but here I am standing behind the only person I am living for, who is ready to end it all." I tried not to cry but happy he finally turned around and sat on the edge.

"I love you, Em. And you know I have to do this." Jason calmly argued, voice breaking a little, as I took a seat next to him. "You don't have to, Jay. They are all just fucking assholes. And if it's about the whole falling out of a building vision, I am here to help you." I reached for his shoulder, trying to get him to understand.

"I know, I just can't do it anymore." He cried, as I pulled him into me letting him let it all out.

I grabbed his chin pulling him closer to my face. "I love you, and if you want to leave here, or stay up here for a little. I will be here. Because if you jump I have to jump too, we need each other okay, you're stuck with me." I laughed, before giving him a kiss on the lips, smiling.

"I guess you're okay to deal with." Jason joked, still hugging me. "I promise I will try, I love you." He added, now smiling. "Thank you" I smiled before Dick interrupted us.

"I'll leave you two alone for a moment." I smiled getting up from the edge, "Don't let him jump." I whispered to Dick giving him a death stare as he gave me a nod back.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself, as I walked down the steps back to the others. I really wanted to breakdown and cry but holding it back in felt more painful than letting it all out.

This has been the worst 24 hours of my life.

I just want to thank everyone for the support, we just hit 8k read and I am so grateful for all the support, and feel free to comment on ideas and things you might want to see or just your thoughts I love talking with you guys.




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