Chapter 19

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"Hey, I am gonna head out for a little, is that okay?" I asked the person in charge of the foster care building.

"Yea, just be back by curfew." She answered. I left the building and walked over to the cemetery.

I did this every year. On the day my parents died I headed over to the cemetery and hung out there for most of the day. Every once in a while, I would pass by their graves, but this is the only day I really could get myself to stay there for more than an hour.

I sat in front of the two gravestones and just stared at the only thing that still shows my parents were once here. "Hi." I said before starting to tear up.

"4 years without you and I haven't done anything to show I have improved. I still am at foster care but I am going to be kicked out soon." I mumbled, my 18th birthday was in a few months, so I had to get ready to be kicked out of foster care and on my own.

"Lindsay got kicked out last month, so I don't have to worry about her. I mean I might see her every once in a while, in town but she won't be able to bully me every day like she did." I joked while holding in more of my tears.

"I love you and I just wish you could say it back." I cried. I sat there for another hour or so and then got up to go back to the foster building.

I ran into the building out of breath from running over a mile in the rain. "You're late." The lady from earlier spoke as she crossed her arms.

"I know, I'm sorry, I didn't realize what time it was, again I'm so sorry." I still cried out of breath. "I know you are but there are rules here missy." She sternly spoke.

She dragged my arms through the building and into the dark room. Hated this room, there were no windows, lights, just darkness and you would go there if you disobeyed and me being myself, I was in here a lot.

As she dragged my arms I looked over to the room down the hall and saw kids laughing. I know I'm 17 and should be able to stand up for myself and such but over the years these kids have gotten worse and days like today, I couldn't handle one little laugh from them.

"Yea, send her to prison. Remember she killed her parents 4 years ago, she is the reason there dead." One boy yelled from down the hall, was he right, I mean how come I'm alive and there buried in the ground.

Betty or Bitchy as I like to call her threw me into the room and slammed the door shut. Any other day, I would have protested but today, I just wanted to be alone.

I slid down the wall falling on the floor, I sat there crying quietly to myself. I didn't fall asleep though, never did and never will on this day. Ever since the incident, I haven't been able to sleep the night before or after because of the horrific nightmares I would get.

It was weird they would come and go, like next week they would be gone and I would be dreaming about kicking Lindsay's ass in a fight. It was like the world wanted me to relive the day every year like how it was back then.

"Were here" The taxi driver spoke, stopping the car. I got up from my little nap to see we were in Detroit, I just told him to drop me off at any random store in the city.

"Thank you!" I said as I handed him a $100 tip for the drive, it wasn't my money, it was Dick's so I could use as much of it as I wanted.

He smiled at me and I gave him a wave back as he drove off.

I knew exactly where I was, I knew this town like the back of my hand. I mean I had to, one to survive and two to steal in the stealthiest way possible.

I walked down the streets looking at the town, like it was my first time there, these past few days, I have changed for better and worse, and this town was my old life.

I walked over to the cemetery of my nightmares. I sat down in front of my parents' graves staring at both their names Amelia and Noah Jones, father, mother, son, daughter, husband, wife.

I am pretty sure I am the only one who has ever come to their graves since their funeral. My parents weren't to fond of my extended family, they always saw my parents as disappointments, and adding on the the fact they couldn't carry on the family name for a while, they thought of them as nothing.

My mother's family never really liked my dad and the same for my dad's family. It was really awkward at family events, thats why we never went to many. When I was younger we would have events together more often, but the older I got the less I went to.

I liked it, it was my mom, my dad, and me. But now it was just me, and only me.

"Been a while." I finally spoke. "Found a new group of friends, and I really like them. To be honest I have been the happiest with them, then I have in almost 5 years." I smiled

"Rachel, she's like a little sister to me and Gar is like my little brother. Kory and Dick are like my older siblings, they take care of me more than any foster family ever." I joked.

"And then there's Jason, I haven't had as much time with him as I did with the others, but there is something different about him. He gets me, he went through foster care, he lost both of his parents as well, he understands my pain. He's got these perfect blue eyes, and a hilarious humor, not to mention he is really cute, he does have anger issues but he gets them for good reasons he just gets over dramatic and I get it I am just like that, you both would understand that." I smiled the biggest smile I think I have ever had at this place ever.

I have never done that before, I mean yes there were the little crushes but there is no one like him, I have never smiled this much about a guy ever, was I falling for Jason Todd.

Just like on que, my phone started to ring. "Hey, perfect timing, I was just talking about you." I joked as I picked up the phone.

"Really? They were good things I assume." Jason asked. I laughed, "No they were bad, I said how annoying you are and how you have a terrible humor."

"Okay then, I have to hang up now and not chat with you I guess." He joked back. "No, I'm kidding, it was good things, I promise."

"Who are you talking about me with anyway?" He asked, "My parents." I answered back.

"You talk to your parents?" Jason questioned, "Yea, you think that's weird? That I sit at my parents gravestones and talk about my life." I asked.

"No, I just thought you had the power to talk to ghosts or something and you were talking to your ghost parents." Jason said back worried I would be sad about his question.

"I have the power to manipulate fire, not ghosts, you idiot." I joked back, lighting the mood. "Anyways, why did you call me?"

"I wanted to check up on you and see when you were coming to see me, since you obviously miss me so much." He joked

"Oh okay, umm I think I will stay the night, grab a few things and see someone tomorrow and then I am going to head out." I spoke back.

"Okay, text me when you want to leave and I will have a private plane come get you, since it's such a long drive." Jason said. "So fancy, but thank you I really appreciate it." I smiled

"Anytime, I will leave so then you can get home, let me know if you need anything." Jason sweetly spoke. "Okay, goodnight, Jay." I said back, saying a nickname for him for the first time, shocking myself.

"Goodnight, Em." He joked back hanging the phone. I put the phone back on the ground and just stared there for a minute.

Holy shit, I was falling for Jason Todd!

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