Chapter 42

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"I thought this was reconnaissance only. You're overdressed." Gar said as we walked down the set of stairs leading to the train station.

"I am agreeing with Gar on this one." I agreed, "Exactly. Reconnaissance on a homicidal psychopath. Safety first." Jason chuckled.

We stopped at the bottom of the steps, both me and Jason watched Gar slowly lean more on the not on board side. "I'm calling Dick."

"Come on, Gar." I begged, not wanting to back down this already great idea we had. And plus he did agree to it earlier. "You agreed to help us out. Please?" Jason added.

After a few seconds Gar finally agreed, "Let's go."

"All right. Let's split up." Jason said ready to leave but was stopped by both me and Gar. "Jay, I love you but splitting up does not seem like a good idea." I calmly argued.

"Dude, have you never seen a horror movie before?" Gar added to my point, "You want to get out here fast, right? The three of us will get the job done in triple the time." Jason argued, making a slightly good point.

"Fine." Both me and Gar agreed. "Don't do anything crazy stupid. I am serious, please be safe." I smiled.

"I promise, and don't do anything crazy stupid either." He smiled back, giving me a little kiss on the lips. "I promise." I spoke before making my way by myself through the tunnels.

They were creepy as fuck though, maybe we were in a horror movie. I walked around for a while, not seeing anything or anyone out of the ordinary.

Every time I heard a noise though I shot a fire ball that way, but luckily it was just water or something, but my reflexes were through the roof.

Then I suddenly heard footsteps in front of me, "Jay...Gar..." I called out but the person walked closer, looking way bigger than Jason and Gar.

It was Deathstroke.

I used my fire powers and training skills to fight him, but it didn't work. "You trying to kill me like you killed your parents, Ember." He whispered in my ear, surprising me a little, wondering how he knew my name.

But mostly anger, that's when things went a little out of hand, making my powers go out of my control a little. Causing me to lose the fight, and be shoved to the ground, hurting my back a lot.

"What the hell do you want?" I yelled, almost spitting in his face, "Revenge"

"Look, I have no idea why the fuck you are beating me, last time I checked, I had no idea who the fuck you were like 3 days ago." I spoke, really confused on why he was going after me, and maybe even Jason and Gar as well.

"Bait" He said before giving me another punch in the face, much harder than before. "I am not scared of you, okay." I lied trying to make myself seem tougher than I was feeling.

He just laughed before punching me in the shoulder, that hurt really badly, I thought. "Ember, I can kill you in an instant." He chuckled.

"You can try DeAthStRoke," I mocked, "but you can't kill me, I am more powerful than you." I tried to sound confident but I wasn't. I was scared shitless.

I tried my best to make myself seem tough, even though my insides weren't. I was also trying to stall time, so maybe someone will come and help me or my powers will scare him enough.

"Let's test that theory then." He laughed, grabbing me by the neck, cutting off my oxygen, making it very difficult to breathe.

My vision was getting blurry, so I couldn't see where we were going, but all I could hear was Jason calling my name and begging Deathstroke to let me go.

I tried to call out to Jason but every word wasn't coming out, and it was already hard enough to breathe so speaking was not helpful.

Then the worst physical pain of my entire life. I was stabbed in the back by the one and only Deathstroke.

I cried so much, it felt like the whole world just ended, I died in front of Jason, the person I love most watched me become what I feared people doing the most, leaving.

All I could hear was Jason's cries for me but then they were stopped by a sudden scream. I knew right then that Jason was gone as well, Deathstroke and Dr. Light took Jason.

The worst part about this was that I was still alive.

Jason thought he saw me die, and then I was stabbed again with the pain of his scream as he was taken away, and probably about to die. Jason might die thinking I died, even though I could hear and see slightly, but I couldn't move. I was in too much pain.

Gar eventually reached where I was, shaking me like crazy but only getting a small groan out of me to let him know I was alive, but not well.

I walked out with only half the people I walked in with, and it was worse pain then being stabbed.

I hated and loved pain. I hated the pain of people leaving me, dying, or just walking away from me, leaving me to grief by myself.

I hated it when I loved the pain, the pain I thought I deserved, the pain I wanted because I needed it, I needed to feel the pain others have had. So the thought of me dying right now, I loved.

I thought I needed it, deserved it. For all I know Jason and Gar could have been badly hurt, or worse dead. I hated the idea of me coming out of there alive with people I love dead.

So if it came down to it, I would rather die, than walk out alive without them.

But Deathstroke was wrong, he didn't kill me. Or was he right?


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