Chapter 49

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Why is it that the people you trust most are the ones to stab you in the back. Don't they understand we went through so much in the past 24 hours.

They have no idea how much trauma me and Jason now have. I don't know how Jason feels about all of this and how much he went through, but if its bad enough for him wanting to end it all, it was bad.

I can't close my eyes for a second without having to see Jason fall, or my almost death. I can't be in a quiet room without his voice in every corner. And it will only get worse.

When my parents died, I relived the event every day for a whole year before it finally died down a little. I don't know how I am going to survive this trauma.

After talking with Jason and leaving him alone with Dick, probably a bad idea. I didn't have the guts to go back in the room with everyone else, after our little fight.

So I sat at the doorway waiting for them to come back down. A part of me was a little scared that Jason would jump, but then the other part of me knew Dick wouldn't let him.

30 minutes later they finally finished. Dick walked ahead of us as Jason helped me up. It was awkwardly quiet so, might not have gone well.

"How did it go?" I hesitated to ask, getting up from the ground. "Okay, Dick has some big new though." Jason joked, opening his eyes wide, scaring me a little.

"Great." I sarcastically smiled before Jason led the way to the room, with everyone else.

Jason and I took the seats at the table away from everyone, I couldn't tell if they were staying away from us or we were trying to stay away from them.

We sat there for about 20 minutes listening to Dick talk about how he is the reason Jericho, Deathstroke's son and Rose's brother died.

That was the one thing I was never expecting to hear out of Dicks mouth. I felt so bad for Rose, they guy who took her in is the reason her brother is dead.

We all sat in silence as Dick finished telling the truth. Hank walked up to him before punching him across the face, he did kind of deserve, he did lie to everyone. "You lying sack of shit." Hank yelled as Dawn pulled him away from Dick.

"How many other fucking half-truths have you told us?" Donna added, "At least you got a half-truth." Rachel called out from her seat on the counter, if I wasn't so mad at her I would feel bad but I was still pissed off.

"My brother is dead because of you. I'm out." Rose yelled, making me turn my head and watch her walk away to go pack up and leave. I felt so bad for her, she didn't accuse me earlier so there was still a part of me that trusted her, so I knew I had to go with her.

"I'm going with her." I called out, getting up from my seat. "Ember–" Dick tried to stop me. "No, I am done, I need a break from everyone. I'm sorry but I can't be with people who don't trust me, goodbye guys." I said before leaving the room and following Rose.

I did however stop to see Jason getting up as well. "I'm going with them." Making me smile a little, happy that he chose to come with me. "Jason, you–" Dick tried to stop Jason, hasn't he learned a lesson, we don't care about their opinions.

"Look, you don't decide what I do anymore. What anybody does." He argued before leaving the room. I left my spot to go to my room and pack as fast as I could.

I met up with Rose who was already at the elevator waiting for us. "Hey, you're cool with us going with you right?" I asked, forgetting the fact that I didn't ask her earlier. "Yea, no it's cool, we'll have so much fun." Rose joked, bumping my side with her elbow.

"Sorry in advance if you feel like a 3rd wheel at all." I smiled, feeling a little bad she will be the third wheel this trip. "It's fine, you guys are cute. I have no idea how you stand him, enough to even date him." She joked, making both of us laugh. "Who can't stand me?" Jason questioned, walking into our conversation.

"Me." Rose joked before leading the way to the elevator. The ride was quiet, which was awkward but I think this will be great for us. A part of me feels terrible for leaving everyone but at the same time they did explain they basically don't trust me, so why should I care.

We ended up getting in car along with everyone else, who just ignored each other as well all went our separate ways. Jason said he was surprising us with a place to go to, my guess is Gotham but for all I know he could be bringing us to the middle of nowhere.

I sat in the middle really regretting the little leg room I had. I looked down to see Jason holding my hand almost like he could tell I was panicking a little about the whole idea of leaving everyone.

I looked back up to see him smiling at me which couldn't make me not smile. It was okay, you are okay. You are not alone, you have Jason and Rose with you. Leaving them is healthy, you need time off Ember. I kept telling myself as the car drove away.

I was going to be okay, the only way to heal is treating myself better than worrying about others and their problems, I had enough to worry about. This is going to be good, we all have too many problems to be keeping them all together in one tower. 

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