Chapter Three

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    A million questions went through her head as Eliza trudged over the rugged dry land. What if Mr. Tate changed his mind? She was over a week late. What if he found someone else? Or what if he did still want her- what if he turned out to be just like Pa? Did she make a mistake in coming here?

      Trying to make her way in the dark in unknown lands, Eliza stumbled, causing a sharp pain in her ankle.
  She could see the outline of a large building roughly ten feet away, hopping on one foot she made her way there. Using the building for support, she slowly made her way around. When she rounded the corner she was met with a sickening metalic click as a revolver cocked inches from her head.

    "Sneaking around in the dead of night is cause enough for me to shoot." The icy voice shook Eliza in her boots. "You've got ten seconds to explain your self, talk fast." The voice in the dark demanded.
      Eliza fought hard to find her voice. When pa got angry it was best to be as small and quiet as possible, but the hidden figure before her meant business. Clearing her  parched throat she hoped he could hear her. "I, I." Deep  breath, she reminded herself. "I'm e-ex-pected-d" Eliza silently cursed her tounge. She hadn't stuttered in years, it made Pa particularly angry.
   Clearing her throat, she tried again. "I-im l-looking for Mr. Tate."

"Why?" Was all the response she got.

    "My n-name is Elizabeth Neeley." Eliza thought she heard a gasp in the dark, surely it'd take more to shock the man with a loaded gun and murderous voice.

    "Elizabeth?" She heard the gun uncock and slide into the leather holster. "What are you doing here? It's the middle of the night. How did you get here?"

     "I walked." The short answer was much easier than explaining the events of the last week.
      Suddenly the man was in front of her, toe to toe her nose nearly touching his shirt. He's too close. "P-p-please, t-take m-me to Mr. Tate." She managed just above a whisper.
      "Come on inside. Then you can explain what you mean, you 'walked'." The deep voice was smoother now, no longer dripping with malace, it still held an edge that frightened her. "Wait here." He said as he disappeared again and Eliza took in a deep breath to calm herself.
    Appearing again with a lantern the man led her away from what must have been the barn.
     Eliza keept her eyes on the path, determined not to look at the shadowy figure before her. When he went up the steps and held the door for her, Eliza went around him, out of arms length and scurried through the door. Putting distance between them as quickly as possible. The glare from the lantern was blinding, hearing heavy boots enter the room, Eliza backed up until she bumped the table. A match struck and the hearth came to life filling the room with a dim glow.
      Naturally drawn to a light in the dark, Eliza turned to see the man haunched over tending the fire. He had the widest shoulders she'd ever seen, crouching before the fire he was at least five foot tall, standing the man must be a tree. Right on cue, he extinguished the lantern and stood. Oh, what have I gotten myself into? Placing the lantern on the mantle, the stranger turned to face her.  "So," he began, his voice low and smooth. "You wanna tell me what you're doin' walking here in the dead of night?" As he spoke, he walked over and pearched on the arm of a large padded chair.
      He was too close again, his long legs could close the gap between them in two strides. Eliza swallowed hard, " W-well, I-"
      "What in tarnation?" The demand came from somewhere to her right. Before either of them could answer, an old woman came out of the shadows in her nightclothes, brandishing a broom like a sword. "You hussy!" The word dripped from her lips like poison as she swung at Eliza. "Get out! Out!"
    Eliza backed up as far as she could. When her back collided with the wall, she sunk down and made herself small, as more hateful words were thrown at her. Between curses was the mans voice hollering "Ida."louder and harsher each time.
      "Ida Gene Tate!" He bellowed, loud enough to shake the walls, followed by silence. He lowered his voice and continued. "You will apologize to Ms. Neeley, and you will return to bed."
      Though his tone left no room for discussion, the old woman was hardly phased. "Nickolas Alaxander Tate. You bring a woman home at this hour-"
      Her reprimand was cut short. " Ms. Neeley is my fiance. And I was about the business of figuring out why she is here at this hour when you came out like a bat out of hell." Though his voice didn't raise in volume, his tone was screaming. "I mean really Ida, threating a woman with a broom? I suggest you go back to bed, you and I will speak in the morning." Being dismissed for a second time the older woman shot Eliza a cutting look and stalked away to her room.


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