Chapter Seven

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      Nickolas entered the house to the smell of fresh coffee, sizzling bacon and Aunt Idas' mouthwatering buiskets.
    " Smells good."
Ida turned from the stove with a big bowl of gravy. "I know how you feel about breakfast, figured you skipped on account of her." She jerked her chin towards the sitting room. "I suppose breakfast for lunch won't spoil you too much."
"Thank you. Is she awake?"
"Ain't moved a muscle all day."
While Aunt Ida went about setting the table for the noon meal, Nickolas went into the sitting room.

   Kneeling before the sleeping woman, Nickolas took a moment to take in her appearance.  Still dirty from walking cross country, she had dark circles under her eyes. Her face was sunken in like a person starved. Nickolas guessed she had grown up never having enough to eat. Her dress was baggy, and too short, the tan fabric was stitched and patched in several places. Her arms were thin with bony hands and wrists. His first order of business would be to get her up to a healthy weight. Despite the obvious neglect, she was pretty. She had long, thick eyelashes and freckles scattered over pale skin. Her hair was red and thick with curls, despite being knotted and caked with dirt. Healthy and happy, she'd be absolutely stunning. Happy. Nickolas could handle healthy,  she needed regular meals, fresh air, and sunshine. But how on earth was he going to make her happy? He didn't know what it was, but clearly, this woman had been through something, and it haunted her. Even in sleep, her delicate brow was pinched together, her pale lips stretched thin. Every once in a while, she would flinch in her sleep.

    Nickolas spoke her name softly. Once, then twice, the third time, he reached out and gently tucked a loose curl behind her ear. With the speed of a bullet, Elizabeth was sitting ramrod straight, her back pressed into the sofa, as far away from him as possible. Large green eyes darted wildly, looking for an escape. "Easy. Easy. You're alright."  Nickolas addopted the same tone he used when a colt spooked. After a minute, she began to calm down. Her breathing evened out, and she focused her attention on her lap. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you.  Are you okay?" He kept his voice low, his tone soothing. "You must be hungry. We're having breakfast for lunch.  Bacon and eggs, buiskets and gravy. And plenty of fresh coffee." He tried to add a playful, almost teasing tone, hoping to tempt her to eat her fill. But she didn't respond. Nickolas reached up and gently lifted her chin. The panic behind her eyes made him forget what he was going to say. He stared dumbfounded as gorgeous green eyes frantically searched his face. What was she expecting to find? Anger? Most likely. She'd given him no reason to be angry, but she expected it nonetheless.  "You okay?" Still nothing. Nickolas moved to sit beside her. He didn't miss the small frightened sound when he put his arm around her sholder. He took a chance. He'd either begin to ease her fear or frighten her half to death, but he had to do something. He sat sideways facing her and pulled her into his chest. "I need you to listen to me." Pushing her chin up again, he feared he had made things worse. Her face was streaked with silent tears, and her eyes had that frantic look again. "I don't know what made you so fearful," he looked deep into her eyes, his voice growing husky. " But I promise you, Elizabeth, you are safe here. No one is going to hurt you. I know you have no reason to trust me, but I hope that in time, you will." Nickolas tenderly wiped the tears from her cheeks. "I wasn't thinking clearly last night. After walking for days, you must be starving. Let's go eat."

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