Chapter Thirteen

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    Nickolas lay awake well after dark. He wondered about his new wife. What would their life together be like, would she ever trust him? Would they enjoy the simple pleasures of marriage, a secret smile, a stolen kiss, whispering sweet nothings late at night? He wanted more than anything to hold her in his arms and quiet all her fears.
    He closed his eyes and listened to the crackling fire and the wind howling outside. Winter was fast approaching. Nickolas tried to convince himself that the cold, uncomfortable floor was what was keeping him awake. But visions of Elizabeth danced around in his head. Her mess of red hair didn't quite meet his chest. Her face was pale with a smattering off freckles and dark circles around her gorgeous emerald eyes. She looked thin and fragile.
Another image began to form in his minds eye. The same untamed mass of hair and the same big green eyes, now filled with joy. Her cheeks round and reddened with laughter, her pale lips now red and smiling. Her thin frame filled out with womanly curves. He pictured Elizabeth healthy and carefree. She was a stunning sight. He drifted off.

      Some time later, Nickolas was stirred from his pleasant dreams. Still groggy from sleep, he rubbed his eyes and stretched his stiff limbs. A mournful sound echoed through the house. Instinctively reaching for his pistol, Nickolas wondered what a mountain lion was doing this far out. It sounded close, too. As he reached his gunbelt, it came again, an agonizing soulful moan. Realization struck, and Nickolas spun on his heels. He ran toward the bedroom, pausing only a moment at the door. "Elizabth, I'm coming in." He pushed inside and found the bed empty. Another moan came from the far corner of the room, and Nickolas rushed to her side.
     Elizabeth lay curled up in the corner, arms thrown over her head and her knees tucked into her chest. Kneeling behind her, Nickolas brushed her tangled hair from her tear soaked cheeks. "Elizabeth." He gently shook her shoulder. "Elizabeth, wake up." Choaked sobs were the only response. He pulled her into his arms, and she began to fight. She shoved at his chest and scratched his face. He got control of her hands as gently as he could and urged her to wake up. "Elizabeth. Elizabeth, you're okay. You're safe. Darling, you're safe." He held her close and rocked on his heals, murmering soft reassurances.  When at last she stopped fighting, Nickolas carried her to the bed. Lying on his side, he cradled her head in one arm and stroked her back with his free hand. "Shhhh, sweetheart. It's alright." He ran his fingers through her hair and whispered to her. "What did I do to deserve such a beautiful wife?" He wiped tears from her face and told her that she was safe. He whispered calming words for a long time before he decided it was time to return to his cot. "I know you don't trust me yet, but I promise you I will never hurt you, and I will give my life to protect you." He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and felt her body go stiff and her breath catch.
"Sweetheart, you awake?" Elizabeth went stiffer still, and he resumed rubbing her back. "How long have you been awake?"
"I-i f-f-felt y-you get on t-the b-bed."
"I found you on the floor, darling." Her smoothed her hair back to look into her eyes. "Talk to me. Let me help you through this."
Fresh tears came, "I-i c-can't."
"Then come here." Nickolas pulled her close.
"Y-y-yes s-s-sir." Obedient even in the midst of terror, Elizabeth began lifting her nightdress.
Baffled, Nickolas grabbed her shaking hands and kissed each knuckle. "No, no, no. Sweetheart, that is not what I meant." Straightning her skirts, he laid back and spread his arms. "Come here and let me hold you."
Tentatively, Elizabeth layed her head on his bare chest. Nickolas kissed the top of her head and buried his face in her curls.

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