Chapter Fourteen

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   Elizabeth couldn't stop staring. She had woken in the warmth of her husband's arms. Her cheek resting on his massive chest. She vaguely remembered dreaming that her father had found her. He'd come to punish her for running away. Then she had woken up in Nickolas' arms, he spoke so softly, his touch was infinitly gentle. Elizabeth wanted to trust this man so badly it hurt. Everything she knew about men told her she could never trust him. But he was unlike any man she'd ever known. She studied his face, trying to decide if the man she married was really as good as he seemed, or if it was all a farce.

    He was quite handsome with his brown hair messy from sleep and full lips pursed in a relaxed sort of smile. He looked peaceful.
    Elizabeth reached out and gently trailed her finger over the prickly stubble, shadowing his jaw. She liked the scratchy feeling and the warmth of his skin. Her fingers traced the outline of his lips slowly and then over the smooth skin of each lip. They were unbelievably soft. She made one last pass over the bow of his lip and then ran her finger over his brow and down his nose. She marveled at how he could be so strong and so soft all at once. She'd never know anyone so gentle and kind, who spoke softly and considered her needs. He's so strange, she thought, as she carefully touched his long, thick lashes. Nickolas blinked wildly. "That tickles." He whispered, smiling.
    Elizabeth froze. She felt like her soul had left her body.
"I-i-i I-i'm so s-sorry. I-i didn't, "
"It's okay. I didn't mean to frighten you." Nickolas hadn't moved an inch. "Go ahead, explore all you want. It actually felt nice."
Elizabeth knew her face must be red as a tomato and was glad he kept his eyes closed. "I-i didn't mean to w-wake you. I-i shouldn't have, I-i'm sorry."
"You don't have to apologize, I've been up for a while." He chuckled at her soft gasp. "It's okay to be curious, and it's okay to touch. I am your husband, after all." When she didn't respond, he turned his face to face her. Elizabeth avoided his look. Surely, he was going to scold her. He took her hand and placed it on his chest. "Go on. I really don't mind." Elizabeth slowly moved from his chest to the thick muscles in his arm. She traced the hills and valleys down his arms to his large hands and long, thick fingers. She could feel his eyes on her as she made her way back up his arm over his shoulder and trailed down his chest. His chest was lighter than his tan arms with thin curly hair sprinkled all over. She traced the path of hair down to just above his navel and back up. Spreading her hand flat, she felt the tight muscles in his abdomen traced the v shape above his waistband and slowly came to a stop on his chest.

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