Chapter Twenty-two

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   Elizabeth flopped face first onto her bed. What was that? Never in her life had she taken any sort of pleasure in a man's touch. Men were violent, greedy, revolting creatures. A woman would be wise to keep her distance. Nickolas is different. He's gentle and thoughtful. Elizabeth rose from the bed and began dressing. He's gentle and thoughtful now. What happens when he gets tired of her or becomes angry or drunk? How long can he keep up the act?

   She twisted her hair into a long braid and headed towards the door. But what if it's not an act? The thought stopped her in her tracks. Was it even possible for a man to be so tender and kind? All that stuff he said about love being a choice, did he really believe that? Did Nickolas choose to love her? She was  beginning to feel nauseous again.

   Everything about the man was confusing. He was handsome, for a man. He was kind and thoughtful. His touch infinitly gentle. He was everything a man wasnt. His physical strength should terrify her, but when he held her in the wash room she'd felt, something. Something entirely new. His touch made her core ach. She wanted to be close to him. Wanted to feel his warm skin and soft lips. Wanted him. Elizabeth had never wanted anything from a man except to be left alone.

   An image of her father flashed in her mind, always angry and reeking of alcohol. He was rough and cruel. His greedy hands taking what he thought he was owed. He held her down with an iron grip and he took from her what he said was a woman's only worth. He mocked her cries and spat in her face when he finished he would beat her senseless.

   Desperate to push the memories away, she thought of Nickolas. His big warm hands caressing her skin as light as a feather. Whipping away her tears and whispering sweet nothings in her ear. His voice was soothing and calm, his touch always gentle. He handled her like she was something presious he didn't want to break.
   But that's exactly what will happen. If I trust. If I choose to love him. If I dare to hope, and he turns out just like Pa, it will break me.

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