Author Note

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I'm sorry it's not a chapter.

Guys, life is crazy.
My little one is potty training. And starting speech therapy.

My big one is starting kindergarten on Monday, so I'm a teacher now. Unfortunately the schools in my area are garbage. I'm talking high school graduates with a first grade reading level. So, I am going to do my best to homeschool. It has been many many long weeks preparing for this new adventure and I am super stressed out but super excited.
We start on Monday and hopefully after a week or so everything will sort of find a Groove and I will have a little more time to write.
I also recently changed my medication which made me very ill for a little while.
So it's just been a mess all over. My mother-in-law calls us the hot mess Express. LOL

I promise I will get some more episodes out as soon as possible. And I love you all thank you so much for your support. I honestly never thought this would go anywhere it was just for fun, I figured most of you would read one or two chapters and move on to something better.
Yall are great!

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