Chapter Five

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     Elizabeth did as she was told and waited in the oversized chair. She tried to sort through her thoughts. Of course, she knew coming here was dangerous her father told her what marriage would be like, what was expected of her. She thought she could handle it, but this man he was a mountain.
   Nickolas Tate stood at six foot five, with broad shoulders and thick corded muscles. He looked like he could snap her in two. She hadn't dared to look at his face but had seen a strong, stumbled chin and sharp jaw from the corner of her eye. He walked with long, powerful strides. From what she'd seen, her husband-to-be was the definition of raw masculine strength. When he yelled at the older woman, his voice shook the house, and when he caught her outside, his words dripped venom. But then, he spoke softly, his voice low and tender. A man like that who could change so quickly was a dangerous man.

   Elizabeth's eyes snapped to the floor and she sat ramrod straight when she heard heavy boots behind her. Nickolas came around the chair and layed an assortment of items before her feet. Working silently, he removed several small items from a large tub and set them on the floor.   
     Afraid to speak, Elizabeth focused on the top of his head.  He had thick wavey hair, slightly too long and messy. She tried to guess the color in the dim light and settled on light brown, almost yellow. She was startled when Nickolas raised his head, and she was met with a pair of steely blue eyes.
       "Lift your hem for me." Elizabeth nearly choaked. They weren't married yet, and he was already demanding that.
Elizabeth looked at her feet to avoid his piercing gaze when she noticed what he had been doing. Before her was a bucket done up like a bath with big fluffy soap bubbles. Curious, she chose to obey his request and lifted her skirts a few inches to just above her boots.
      Large hands made quick work of the fabrick straps that held the oversized boots on and gently removed them. He carefully removed her socks, and Elizabeth was surprised by how soft his touch was despite his calloused hands. Steady hands guided her foot into the tub. The warm water stung her cold feet at first, but by the time he'd repeated the process with the other foot, the stinging was gone. After walking through rough countries, the warm water felt devine. After a long, silent soak, Nickolas placed a towel over his lap and dried her feet.
     "This stuff might sting a bit. You've got some open blisters. " He rubbed a glob of ointment into his hand and began rubbing soft circles on the bottom of her feet. He was right, it did sting. But the warmth of his hands and gentle pressure soothed her aching feet.

       "I'm going to head out to the barn," He said when he'd finished. "Aunt Ida is probably asleep. Why don't you bed down here on the couch and try to get some rest." Elizabeth nodded, and Nickolas got up to leave. "Blankets are in that basket there." And with that, he slipped out the door.

       Elizabeth grabbed a blanket and got comfortable on the couch. What a strange man. In her experience, men were crule, violent creatures. Never had a man been so gentle or thought about her comfort. Nickolas Tate was confusing.

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