Chapter 3 - The Family

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Lily's point of view

Staying with them, wasn't so bad after all. I pushed away the way I felt about Jamie, mostly. Trevor, was still weird. I've known him for like five years, and he only gets weirder. Jamie, was quiet. Trevor wasn't kidding when he said he barely left his room. Yet, it's almost like every time I leave my room, he leaves his. I'm always running into him some how, some where.

I'm just doing dishes, because I'm bored, when my phone goes off next to me. I dry my hands, and see it's the family group chat.

The Hughes family

Lily, you moved?


Moose 🫎
Why? Do you really hate me that much?

Twin 💃🏼
That's not why moosey, can promise you that much

I got job offers in California, close to Trevor.
I haven't put my degree to use in NJ, so I'm
taking the opportunity.

Moose 🫎
What job offers?
What can make you high tail it away from NJ?

I have some therapy clients that are interested
in seeing me and the Ducks are interested in
my photography work

So why didn't you apply anywhere with Jack?

When I did, no one got back to me. These are
amazing opportunities for me. I know it's not
the sport, but I can be successful too.

Huggy 〽️
I'm proud of you Lils.

Thank you Huggy

It's going to be hard to do family get togethers

I'll fly out wherever, whenever.

Twin 💃🏼
We'll work something out.
For now, lets just be happy for her

Moose 🫎
What he said ^

The conversation ended after that. I finished up dishes and started a movie. "The Proposal" to be exact. About half way through the movie, the boys walked in.

"Hey L" Trevor said happily. They had brought some take out home with them.

"Hey Z. Got me anything in there?" I say standing.

"Yup. Lo mein, as always"

"Oh my god. Thank you so much" I say taking my food to finish my movie.

"It's no problem." Trevor says patting my head. I quickly hit his hand away.

"What are you watching?" Jamie asks, looking at the TV.

"It's called 'The Proposal'. Wanna watch it?" I say looking at him.

"Sure why not." He says sitting down next to me.

I started the movie over for him, so he'd know what was going on. Surprisingly, he'd seemed to be enjoying the movie. I got up to throw the food away, and he came with me.

"Following me now, jimmy?" I said laughing slightly.

"Nope, just wanted to help." He says. He really had just been helping but seemingly out of no where, he starts talking again.

"Why'd you move here? Isn't your brother the Jack Hughes?" He says confused.

"Um yes he is. We got into a massive argument. Lasted almost two days." He stares at me shocked. "I wanted out of there. I don't do arguing. Bad experience. Long story. But, I was also tired of him trying to run my life" He cuts me off before I can finish.

"How was he running your life?"

"Well, he wouldn't let me do anything without him. Canceled plans I had, he cut other plans short, and he basically wouldn't let me out the door without him. Even if it was for an interview or something like that."

"Wow." Is all he says while looking at me.

"But as I was saying, I wanted out of there. I want to be my own person. Someone who isn't known to the world as 'just Jack Hughes sister'. I got multiple job offers and internship offers here, so I'm taking the opportunity. Doesn't happen everyday, you know?"

"What offers?"

"One with the Ducks as a photographer, that's the internship. Therapy practices are interested in working with me too." I say just looking at him.

"Well I think you'll do great things Lils." He says smiling at me.

"Thank you Jamie."

"Of course. Should we be getting back to our movie?" He says, still smiling.

"Oh right. Yea let's go." I say laughing. I had forgotten about the movie entirely.

He sits down closer to me than he was before. I don't think much of it, until he puts his arm around the back of the couch. Right behind me. That is until, Trevor walks in.

"Whatcha guys watching?" He says happily.

I shoot him a glare. He looks at me shocked. "The Proposal." I say flatly "it's almost over, so you can run along."

"I think I'll hang around" I just roll my eyes at him while Jamie laughs.

Once the movie finishes, I do a quick kitchen clean up. There wasn't much to pick up since we had take out for dinner. Once I'm done, I grab my book and sit on the balcony. I get distracted by the stars, for about an hour, and don't even read. It's almost midnight by the time I decide to go inside.

I go straight to my room, and knock out three chapters of my book. As I'm setting I t down, I get a text.

Jimmy 🥸
Night Lily.
Night Jimbo.
How do you know that nickname 😧
I'm friends with Z
That's all that needs to be said
Fair enough
Night Blondie
Not fair.
Night Jimbo.

After that, I set my phone down and fall asleep almost immediately.

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