Chapter 4 - Chaos

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Lily's point of view

It was about 9:45 when I woke up. I took a shower and started getting ready for the day. I have an interview with one of the therapy practices. I'm actually very nervous because I haven't worked with people like that, in so long. I did a few internships during college, but that was it.

Trev and Jamie were grabbing breakfast before coming home from the gym. As if on cue, they walked through the door.

"We're hoooooome" Jamie sings as he walks through the door.

"Nice singing Jimbo" I say laughing.

"Why thank you my lady" He says laughing as well.

"Okay what's going on?" Trevor asks as he's pulling the food out of the bag. I just look at him confused.

"Nothing's going on?" Jamie says confused.

"Mmmmmmkay" Trevor says in a high pitched voice. I look him dead in the eyes and kick his shin. I start backing up when he starts moving towards me.

"Oh shit oh shit oh shit" I yell as I'm running away. Jamie is just laughing in the background. "Not even gonna help me out Jimmie?"

"No he's not gonna help. 'Oh shit' is right. You're screwed" Trevor says chasing me. Jamie is still laughing in the background.

"Jamie! Help me!" I say as I hide behind him. He very quickly moves out of the way when Trevor gets closer.

"Nope you're on your own for this one." He says laughing

I start running away again because Trevor is chasing me again. Jamie ultimately decides to get involved, as he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. Trevor stops dead in his tracks and starts laughing. I'm hitting Jamie's back in hopes he'll set me back down.

"Jamie Drysdale. Put me down!" I yelled.

"You asked for help, this is me helping." He turns to face Trevor. "Here you go. Get your hit in."

"No no no no no" I start squirming to get away from him. "Trevor. We can talk about this!"

Trevor comes up and hits me right on the back of the head. He takes off running down the hallway. Jamie sets me down, and puts his hands on my shoulder to keep me in place. "Do not go after him." He says seriously.

"Why not? He just hit me in the back of the head! I only barely kicked him!" I say annoyed.

"You started it, and that was your punishment." He says laughing at me.

"You're no fun Jamie." I say staring at him.

"You'll be fine. I promise." He says laughing at me and starting to walk away.

"No I won't. This will haunt me forever Drysdale and it's your fault." I call out. He just laughs in response and walks into his room.

After that interesting morning, I change and leave for the interview. I'm extremely nervous for it. I haven't been interviewed in a few years, but I'm confident it will go well.


I blow through the interview like it was nothing. I hardly stuttered and I was confident in each answer I gave. By now, it's about 1 in the afternoon so I'm grabbing some lunch for the guys. They both said they were okay with sushi, so I stopped at Publix and grabbed what they requested. Well, Trevor told me what Jamie would want cause he didn't answer.

When I got back to the apartment the guys were waiting for me.

"So. Jimmy." I say, staring right at him.

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