Chapter 12 - History

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This chapter will vaguely mention some sensitive topics (abuse/sa), i'm sorry if anything bothers you throughout. If you choose to skip the chapter, the book should flow smoothly without it.

Lily's point of view

A few days ago, Jack apologized for being a dick and things with Jamie have been running smoothly. I'm happier than I've ever been since my senior year of college. That's a long story, that Jamie apparently knows about as he just asked me about it.

"Hey Lily, i have a question." He says while we're hanging out in my room.

"What's up?" I ask him.

"What happened with you and your ex?" He asks me looking down at me.

"Why do you ask?" I ask him.

"Your brother mentioned it and said this is a conversation you and i should have." He says. I make a mental note to text jack and yell at him for this. The thunder rolls and rain pelts on the house, matching how i'm feeling now.

"Oh, good to know. But um, a lot happened. To sum it all up, he was mentally abusive, he wouldn't dare to it hit me. It would demolish his career before he had even really started. Not only that, but he would make me do things i didn't want to do, if you know what i mean." I say not looking at him. I hesitate before continuing. "Jack absolutely adored him, everyone here did. We were together for almost 4 years, so most of my college experience. Jack even looked up to him, and -used to- model his game after him." Jamie cuts me off before i can finish.

"How old was he?" Jamie asks.

"He's 25 now, and we got together not long after i turned 18. So he was 21, i believe." I say finally looking at him. I nods, letting me continue. "He was some big shot and he roped me in so quickly that i thought it was fate. Not long after our three months, he got a lot more press because his career was taking off, and that's when everything changed. He changed i mean." I stop talking, as it was growing difficult with the knot in my throat.

Jamie just pulls me even closer to him and lets me take a few deep breaths. He rubs small but loving circles on my back as i just sit there for a minute. After about 5 minutes, i find the strength to start again.

"He would visit less, and would get mad if i didn't answer his call right away. He assumed i was cheating or something. When in reality, i was either at a hockey game or doing schoolwork. Something among those lines. After a game, after i wouldn't answer him, he'd fly down." I hesitate for a moment. Jamie fills in the blanks.

"He'd be a sweetheart in front of his friend, then be a complete dick behind closed doors?" He asked, just making sure his assumption was right.

I nod before saying, "not only that, but he'd make me do things and he'd call me names like 'lazy whore' or tell me that I'm never gonna be anything but Jack's sister or his infamous slut of a girlfriend. It was a lot. I almost dropped out of college so i could be with Jack. If i was with him in Newark, it wouldn't happen. I finally finished college, but he had long before broken up with me for someone in Toronto." I finish.

"Wait, Toronto? Who are you talking about?" He asks me.

"Auston Matthews." I say, picking at my nails.

Sorry to interrupt your regularly scheduled program...

No hate to Auston AT ALL. I love him and the leafs, he was just the first guy i could think of. Auston seems like such a sweetheart, and i do not believe he'd do anything like that.

Back to your program...

"Matthews????!" He borderline yells.

"Yes." I say looking at him.

Fearless (Jamie's Version)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ