Chapter 02: finding the lost part of my soul

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At the roof of the under construction building there were dead bodies lying over pool of blood...
Rocky: I have promised someone that i would go to her as soon as I am finished with my work...ssss but you delayed my work by dragging the game of hide and seek for three months...but I have to commend you for successfully evading me so went to hiding right here in kgf when I was searching for you all over in bombay!!!
Tej(with a shaky voice): s-sorry Rocky bhai..please forgive me this time ..I won't betray you ever again-
Rocky: no man..I don't care about the betrayal from a dirtbag like you...but the fact that because of you I have to make my queen wait-tch that's unforgivable...
Tej: you are making a big mistake if my brother Mehmet gets to know about this he would kill you along with your beloved-( bullet shots were fired even before he could finish his sentence as he lied lifeless on the floor)

Reena was partying with her friends as one of her friend was about to get married and she decided to throw a bachelorette party at Bombay club which was owned by be honest Reena was there hoping to see Rocky only...and party was just an excuse..
Hours passed by as she was losing all her hopes..
Reena's POV
Reena(mumbling to herself): tch he had forgotten about me...again and again...I am tired of waiting!!!
Sania(Reena's friend who was about to get married): hey Reena what are you mumbling..hey-hey slow are drinking too much
Reena(drunk voice):don't stop me...just leave me alone..just like he did!!just leave(downs another glass)
Sania: wha-( Reena gets up for another drink)
Waiter: ma'am it's time to close the bar please leave
Reena(wasted): how dare you know who I am..
Sania(holding onto Reena): Reena control's late let me drive you home..(she drags Reena away with her as she was mumbling-let me go..let go off my hand)
Sania: but you'd fall-
Reena snatches her hand away and starts to walk away but she stumbles and was about to fall down when a strong hand grabbed her and pulled her towards himself
Reena: how dare you touch as she sees Rocky)
Rocky(smirks): missed me much??
Rocky(to Sania): you can go I will take it from here.
Sania seeing that Reena wasn't opposing and was totally calm when she saw Rocky..she figured out that it was the same guy Reena trashed about!! She goes away shaking her head with a smile.
Reena(in a low tone): let me go-
Rocky: never dear...
Reena tries to free her hand as Rocky's grip tightened on her wrists as he maintained the eye contact with her with a flirty smile...Reena becomes unconscious and falls into his arms.
Reena wakes up in the morning finding herself on her bed in her own room..
Reena:Sam ..Sam
Sam(the housekeeper ): yes madam
Reena: who brought me here last night?? Was it Surya??
Sam: no madam it was the kgf owner Rocky who himself brought you here and left as soon as he settled you on your bed..
Reena: did he say anything before leaving??
Sam: no madam
Reena(angrily): get lost!!!!
Sam leaves with confused looks as Reena sighs in frustration.
Reena throws pillow to the nearby wall angrily that was when she discovered an amulet which was kept under that pillow.she recognised that it belonged to Rocky instantly and all her anger melted away. There was an assurance that Rocky still and will always be there for her and she was content with that.
Rocky still had some unfinished business with mehmet ....
Mehmet had flew to bombay all the way from Turkey upon hearing the news of his brother's death.and he had already started taking down all the hidden arm and weapon godowns started by Rocky in Bangalore and captured them under his name.little did he know what was coming for him.
Mehmet was staying in the same five star hotel in Bangalore where Reena was staying for her friend Priya's wedding.
It was past midnight, Mehmet and his friends were creating rucking inside the club of the hotel situated in the ground floor...they were demanding more drinks and appeasement and the staffs were unable to handle their tantrums.Manager reached there...
Manager: sorry sir I would look into the matter right now...
Mehmet: you should have been more careful is this how you treat me??!! Do you know what I can do to you??
Manager: s-sorry sir-
Mehmet shots him on the head..Reena horrified at the site.she had reached there to find the cause of noises that woke her up from sleep...she accidentally crashed a wine bottle and all eyes were on her..she ran away from there...
Mehmet: go get her and bring her to me or I would kill you all!!!!
Reena ran through the corridors and found her way out through an emergency escape which opened at the back of the hotel and she reached an alley which lead to the main road..she almost hit a car but thankfully the brakes were hit at the right time as she crashed onto the bonnet just hitting her head but she was safe somehow.
Driver of the car: are you ok?? Watch where you going-(the boss of the car who was sitting in the backseat got out of the car)...boss why are you getting out-
It was none other than soon as he saw bloody on Reena's forehead as she turned her head towards his direction, his eyes went black with rage..he was about to direct his anger onto the driver but then spotted men who were following her...he signalled Reena to sit inside the car.

To be continued......,,,,,..,,,,,,

P.S- inspite of all the hardships and breakdowns writings fanfic is my only here I am with another update<3<3

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