•I Will Always Love You•

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A page out of Rocky and Reena's domestic life..where they have fought over something silly and aren't talking to each other but Rocky as always look after Reena along with his children !!!!

Shanthi: amma when will appa be here??
Reena: soon sweetie ..now stand still let me tie your hair properly...
Shanthi: we will go out together ...yay I'm so happy(starts clapping her hands)
Reena: Shanthi I told you to stand still no??
Rocky: ahem dont scold my Janu like  that-
Shanthi runs to her appa: appa!!!m
Rocky: yes Janu ...ok go and join your brothers they are waiting outside..but before you go ask your amma if she's ready??
Shanthi looks at amma
Reena: Shanthi tell your appa..I'll be in a while..or if he's in a hurry he can go without me..
Shanthi: but amma..
Rocky: Shanthi let's go outside and wait for your Amma
Shanthi:ok appa
Rocky picks Shanthi up in his arms and goes outside with a final look at Reena who doesn't look back!!!

Rocky and Reena had fight over how busy Rocky is with his works and doesn't give time to her and her children while Rocky had always been postponing the plans ..when he finally got time ..Reena didn't want to go but had to relent for her children...

Rocky's POV
Why does she get angry at such petty things..it's been so long we have been married but she still doesn't get how important KGF is to me!!! She should understand-
(His train of thoughts get interrupted when Reena finally comes out to join them ..)
How can she still look so pretty ..how did I get so lucky??!!! What would I have done if she hadn't come in my life..my love for her has increased since the birth of our children..my own blood!!
Rocky looks away to shake his train of thoughts before they drive them crazy!!!

my own blood!!Rocky looks away to shake his train of thoughts before they drive them crazy!!!

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Reena's POV
Huh ...did he just look away!???!! He doesn't look me anymore like he did before..Sheena aunty(a resident of KGF) was right when she said that husbands love for their wife decreases after the birth of children!!!

Shakthi: amma you look so beautiful!!
Reena: aww thanks dear...
Shanthi: but amma where are your jewelleries ?? You should have wore a shiny necklace!!!
Shiva: it's ok Shanthi amma looks good with or without any jewellery ..
Shanthi: but Anna ...I had go to bazaar last week with appa to buy a beautiful necklace for Amma...appa said he will give it to-
Before she could finish her sentence Rocky puts a palm over her mouth and picks her up to make her sit inside car much to Reena's surprise
Rocky: okay enough talk you two get into the car!!!
Shiva and Shakthi gets inside as order
Leaving the seat beside driver for Reena ...
Reena: umm shiva you sit in front and I'll seat behind
Shiva does as he was told much to Rocky's disappointment!!
Rocky being himself fixes the rearview mirror in such a way that Reena is in his view
Reena: Shanthi I'm so disappointed in you..
Shanthi: why amma
Reena: you have been buying expensive jewellery with your appa..without telling your amma!!
Shanthi: but amma said that's surprise for you only!!i didn't want to ruin your surprise
Rocky was silent , reena looks at him pointedly through rearview mirror but he doesn't respond
Reena: that's really a surprise....i thought your appa is giving his valuable time with jewellery to someone else
Shakthi: like who Amma??
Reena: ask that to your appa??
Rocky : see shiva..no matter what I do your amma gets angry at me..I'm finally taking you guys out she's still angry at me..
Reena: I'm only going out for the sake of my children
Shakthi: enough you guys..appa stop the CAR
Rocky stops and looks at his son amazed
Shiva: amma ..appa ..we aren't going anywhere until you guys patch things up!!
Shanthi: yes amma pls don't be angry at appa
Reena(hushed voice): daddy's princess!!
Shakthi: appa you say sorry to Amma right now!!!
Rocky: I'm sorry!!
Shakthi: yeah same thing but to her!!
Rocky: why should I apologise-
Shanthi: yeah Anna ..appa won't apologise-
Rocky:thanks for taking my side
Shanthi: appa won't apologise empty handed..he would take out the necklace kept in his pocket and then he would say "sorry"
Rocky: tRaItOr!!!
Shiva: appa you heard her!!!!
Rocky: okay okay..I can stand against the whole world but I don't have the courage to go against you 4!!
<takes out the necklace>
Rocky:here dear...I'm sorry for everything!!
Shanthi: not like that..help her wear it..Amma!!
Reena: no!!
Shakthi: amma please for us..
Shanthi and Shakthi push reena towards Rocky...as Rocky helps her wear it...
Rocky(in her ears): I'm sorry ..I love you..
Reena looks at him touched and finally smiles
Reena: it's ok Raja..it was my fault too..
Shiva: good!! Finally you guys become normal!!
Rocky and Reena come back from their daze
Shakthi: but this isn't enough...appa you should kiss amma!!
Rocky&reena in unison: what??!!!
Shakthi: don't worry we will comes our eyes..Anna ..shanthi..1..2..3...(they close their eyes)
Rocky: dear I can't deny my children order
Reena(hissing): don't try to act smart...it's not happening
Rocky: dear..
Reena: not infront of them..
Shakthi: enough talk just do it!!
Rocky drags Reena towards him and kissed her cheek as she blushed violently!!!
Rocky: okay you little devils open your eyes
(They all giggle)
Reena: stop giggling...(continues to blush)
Rocky drives away the car to their picnic destination

Reena and Shiva sat reading their respective novel while Shanthi was playing with her dolls

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Reena and Shiva sat reading their respective novel while Shanthi was playing with her dolls ..Rocky and Shakthi were having mock sword fights ....



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