Chapter 08: love will remember

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It was Rocky and Reena's 20th anniversary...Reena was decked up on her son's request...while Shiva had sneaked his appa's wedding set he wore 20 years back on the bed when Rocky went to shower.when he returned he was surprised to see that lying there but without saying anything he wore that since he felt something.

Riya was totally burning with jealous when she saw them.
Rocky couldn't see Reena as he had to leave early for work .
Riya: tch look at you getting dressed up for wedding anniversary..even though he cant remember you..I'd make sure he never does..just give up already
Reena just ignores her and walks away but was stopped by Riya who snatches away her neck piece
Riya: give it to me it doesn't suit you..
Reena was shook but calms herself down since Riya has upper hand for now with Shanthi
Reena: so this is your real face eh...all you care about is bloody gold know what enjoy it while it lasts...once he remembers me it will be game over for you..

Reena then walks away.she goes to her room and starts crying .
Shanthi: don't cry auntie
Reena: oh you..sweeetie sorry I didn't see you..what are you doing here
Shanthi: I saw what ma did to you
Reena: it was nothing sweetheart
Shanthi: you don't need to cover her mistakes in front of me..I've seen her all my life..all she cares for is money and jewels..she doesn't care about me at all...I've never know what's mother love is..and then I met you-
Reena hugs her tightly
Reena: it's ok baby I'm here..I won't let anything bad happen to you
Shanthi : thank you amma..
Reena looks at her with shocked face
Shanthi: well my brothers Shakthi and shiva call you that..can't I too??
Reena: of course you can baby! Let that woman live with all the jewels this palace can offer..I got the best diamond in the form of you...
Shanthi smiles

Vijay: boss you look like you're going to marry someone

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Vijay: boss you look like you're going to marry someone....let me remind you that you're already married 20 yrs ago-
Rocky: 20 yrs??!!
Vijay: umm 10-20 numbers doesn't matter boss...marriage after 5 yrs become monotonous anyway..
Rocky: I'll tell Janaki that you've said so-
Vijay: b-boss
Rocky starts laughing and Vijay joins him!!!
Rocky after returning from work
Rocky: mallama where's my daughter??!
Mallama: she's playing with Reena at the courtyard...
Rocky: umm Reena is our guest why bother her..where is Riya?? Her mother??
Mallama: as usual she must be busy shopping for some jewelleries..(Rocky doesnt say anything and goes to the courtyard)
Rocky sees that Reena is blindfolded and Shanthi and Fatima were trying to run away from her.Reena was trying to listen to hear the footsteps and she goes to the direction of Rocky while he stood there mesmerised !!

Reena was trying to listen to hear the footsteps and she goes to the direction of Rocky while he stood there mesmerised !!

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Just then fast wind blew and Reena's duppata got over her face..she was having hard time setting it right blindfolded just then she knocked over a small flower pot and was about to miss her next step and slip but Rocky stabilises her with his hand towards her spine and tugging her towards himself.Reena opens her blindfold to find herself in the arms of her forgotten lover.
Shanthi: Appa you lost the game!!
Rocky: yes I lost...(whispering)lost in this game of heart ...
Reena blushes but composes herself and moves away from him.While Fatima smiles knowingly and excuses herself away from this family moment.
Shanthi: amma you won...yay
Rocky(wide eyes): "Amma"?
Shanthi: yeah Big bro Shakthi and Shiva call her i thought-
Riya appears
Riya(to Reena): this is how you have brainwashed my daughter behind my back!!!
Shanthi hides behind Rocky out of fear
Riya: hey Shanthi how dare you call her amma...I am your mother...
Reena was tolerating all these out of fear losing's better that Shanthi's appa is alive no matter whom he is with ...but Rocky had no such obligation
Rocky: how many times have I told you not to scold my daughter. And scare her like this!!
Riya : but she was calling some unknown woman her amma in front of you should stop her but instead you are arguing with me and taking her side should control Shanthi-
Rocky: I know very well what to do with my daughter!!!
Riya: she's my daughter too
Rocky takes a deep breath to calm himself down then bends down on his knees to Shanthi level and tells her gently with a smile to go inside.
Rocky; she's your she??!! Then why don't you do anything a mother should??? I've never seen you feed her or play or even spend 1 minute with her...while this woman (looking at Reena delicately) she has done everything a mother should...and you wonder why Shanthi calls her amma!!! Mother's position is very high and you don't deserve it at all....
Rocky w turns to walk away but Riya falls down on his feet...
Riya: I'm sorry Rocky ...I'm so sorry..I'd be better..I'll be a good mother to our daughter...she's our daughter remember??! I still remember your smile when I handed our daughter to you!! Don't you??
Rocky picks her up
Rocky: how can I ever forget that moment!!
Riya hugs him while he hesitates to hug her back in front of Reena.Reena walks away dejectedly.
Later that day Reena finds Riya alone
Reena goes to her
Reena: I saw how you have planted false memory in my husband's head...but let's see how long you can keep that act up!!
Ria(smiles): watch how I totally control your husband..while you cry...I would make sure he never remembers you...
Reena: he's only with you for the sake of Shanthi...even if he don't remember me ..atleast he would never fall in love with a witch like you...
Rocky: Shiva
Shiva: yes boss
Rocky : you said your appa died in car accident..
Shiva: w-why are you suddenly talking about him??
Rocky: I also had a car accident once
Shiva(to himself):you remember? Please remember all that happened before please
Rocky: but I can't recall what happened before that
Shiva(dejected but somewhat happy that his memories are still somewhere in there): it's ok boss...
Shiva(to himself): it's ok appa we waiting for you so long...we can wait for some more...we are happy as long as we can stay together!!
Rocky: ah about your brother..he can join kgf if he wants...his anger is so similar to mine you know..he reminds me of my younger self!!
Shiva smiles
Shiva: happy anniversary btw
Rocky : is it today ?? How do you know??
Shiva(to himself): amma used to buy gifts for you this day every year
Shiva: umm Vijay told me...why are you still here boss go give some gift to your wife!!
Rocky goes inside
Shakthi: hey...why did you tell him to go to his wife..he'd go to that woman instead of amma
Shiva: nah his heart would take him to amma
Rocky passes by his room to see it filled with all his favourite things.Reena had put all the gifts that she bought all those years of their separation .he was quite touched to see all his favourite things.he then goes outside loooking for the sender of these gifts..he sees Reena standing at the balcony with her back facing him.he goes and hugs her from behind and whispers happy anniversary to her as it was the most normal thing to do. But Riya sees them
Riya; Rocky!!!
Rocky comes out of his daze and leaves Reena's side
Riya; what are you doing with her??
Rocky: umm I was coming to wish happy anniversary..I must have mistoook her for you..this must be because of the fact that I am so tired I'm going to go and sleep too ok..goodnight
He goes away with a final glance to Reena
Reena: do you need any more proof that he still loves me??
Reena smiles triumphantly at Riya and goes away.

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