Two world apart/8

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No matter how hard Rocky tried he can't totally erase that woman..that woman had fully taken hold of his heart even though he does remember her face...the flashes of memories that keep him awake at many times reena had asked him what's the matter but he shook her with false is he supposed to tell her that he can't move on
from the sweet memories from his first love no matter how hard he tried...

The one fine day it all clicked

He was at his mother's grave that he once built long ago, searching for his answers praying really hard . Then he saw reena had already reached there before him, she had a plate of fruits to offer along with flowers hit a déjà-vu

And he found his peace after soooo long!!!Reena: why are you smiling like that??Rocky:n-nothing dearReena: I feel something has changed

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And he found his peace after soooo long!!!
Reena: why are you smiling like that??
Rocky:n-nothing dear
Reena: I feel something has changed....what is it??
Rocky: nothing has changed's all the same..same old me ..same old our love...eternal

Reena looked at him suspiciously
Rocky: so's like my Amma's signal telling me that I should marry you..the woman who not only takes care of me but also of always remember her birthday and bring food for her..
Reena: always!!? Aren't you shocked that I know your ammas birthday??!!
Rocky: why should I be?? I had told my wife all about my mother on that very day I brought her here..when I was asked why am I so obsessed with gold by chacha...don't u remember..ah what's wrong with your memory dear(winks)
Reena's shock turned into happiness as she ran to him and hugged him as he hugged her back!!!


Back at kgf palace

Reena runs to Samaira's room and hugged her out of happiness..

Samaira: what is it akka?? You never looked so happy before...
Reena: Sammy I'm soooooo sooo happy today..
Samaira: I can see that akka..but what is it????!!
Reena: he remembers!!
Samaira: who remembers what???!!
Reena: Raja remembers about me..about us ..everything..all of it..oooo I'm soo happy today
Samaira: uh—
Reena: what happened?? Why do u look so shocked???
Samaira: y-y no I'm not shocked..I am surprised by this news..but more than that I'm also happy for you akka
Reena: I know you would be..that's why I ran to tell the news there's no need to get married..since he already remembered that we are married..but-
Samaira: but what akka??
Reena: but he Said that we can have another short wedding ceremony on our marriage anniversary next week..Sammy I'm sooo excited!!
Samaira(composing herself): yeah I'm also excited for you..congrats akka..
Reena: thanks Sammy..thanks to you all good thinks are happening to me
Samaira(in her mind): thanks to you all bad things keep happening to me!!!!
Samaira: I'm glad you found your happiness as for me..I think I d be alone for the rest of my life
Reena: don't say that you have me...
Samaira: but I want someone who will love me and cherish me like Rocky cherishes you..but I don't think I will have that...
Reena: no im sure you will find your live takes time..give it some time..
Samaira: but I think I've already found it
Reena: really who is it??
Samaira: it's one sided..I love him but he loves someone else
Reena: how can anyone not love you..who is he
Samaira:never mind that...i don't think he will ever love me...but my heart aches for him ever since I laid my eyes on him
Reena: awww Sammy it sounds like you really love him...he's a fool not to love you long as he's not married you still have a chance I guess
Samaira: what if he's married???
Reena: Sammy -
Samaira: I'm just kidding akka
Reena: oh you almost scared me Sammy...I know my Sammy isn't a homewrecker.  I'm sure you'll find someone better
Samaira: would you have found someone better if Rocky didn't remember you and fell in love with someone else??
Reena: Sammy what are you saying ??
Samaira: nothing akka...I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt..
Reena: Sammy I know  you didn't say that to hurt me..I know it's coming from your heartbroken self and not you..whatever and whoever it is I hope you heal from it and find happiness and bliss-
Samaira: enough talks akka..your wedding anniversary is next week..let's go shopping..
Reena: okay :))))

Reena saw Rocky standing at the balcony with a lot cigarette in his mouth...he threw that away as soon as he saw Reena approaching him..

Rocky: so did you guys had fun shopping??
Reena: yeah Sammy made me buy lots of things...
Rocky: good ..good...(starts staring at the distance and Reena comes nearer to him and hugs him from behind which made him smile like a child)
Reena: Sammy said something which made me think...
Rocky: what dear??
Reena: what if haven't remember me and fell in love with someone else before I found you??

The lyrics are so matching to this scenariole

Rocky loosens her grasp to face her and pulls her closer to himself so that she is totally in his embrace
Rocky: how can you say that dear..didn't I tell you..even though I couldn't remember were always there in u heart didn't forget you...true love always stay in the heart and no one can ever take that place....
Reena: but when you didn't know that your first live was didn't rember my told me that your first love had died and you now want to move on with "me"..if I really die will you then move on with someone else???
Rocky: what are you saying dear...even if my brain didn't know my heart knew it was "you"
Reena: but you said "past is in the past"..would you do the same with another woman when I die..???
Rocky: dear...why are getting worried about something that didn't happen..and let me assure you it will never happen...when I saw you after coming back from drowning ..I felt alive ..I saw the spark in you just like the faded memories of "yours" had..or else I would not have approached you ...
Reena finally got convinced with his answers and smiled much to Rocky's relief....
Rocky: I wonder who's putting these stupid thoughts in you head dear...
Reena didn't answer as she had her face buried in his chest

But the person behind all these was hiding in the shadows...plotting her next move.......

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