Everlasting love

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10 years back

Rocky was ever grateful to god for giving him a loving family
A beautiful wife, two naughty sons and an angel face daughter( oh I'm not incorporating Shanthi is this story line of shiva-shakthi's love life to make it less complicated so I'm just including her in flashback)

Rocky was ever grateful to god for giving him a loving familyA beautiful wife, two naughty sons and an angel face daughter( oh I'm not incorporating Shanthi is this story line of shiva-shakthi's love life to make it less complicated so I'm just in...

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Reena was the most beautiful woman in Rocky's eyes...Rocky was totally smitten..even after all this time...she was and will always be his queen...

Reena: Raja are you going to stand there and stare into the void?? Come and help me??!
Rocky(comes out of his trance and goes towards her with a smile)
Reena: what is it?? Why are you smiling like that??
Rocky: no I was just thinking...
Reena: about what??
Rocky: how your clothes are always drenched in curry..your hair unkept ...the dark circle around your eyes - (Rocky stopped when he saw reena glaring daggers at him)
Reena: you mean you don't find me beautiful anymore...whatever you said all these are because of your naughty sons... ..I have to run after them because they eat by my hands only...and the dark circle is because of your daughter ..she keeps me awake all night-
Rocky: hey don't say anything about my daughter..she's an angel..(coos at Shanthi who was in Reena's arm) your sons are your matter don't complain about them to me..
Reena(hides a smile): she's YoUr daughter eh?? Here take your daughter(hands Shanthi to him) take care of her..till I go and check on MY sons ..
Rocky: yeah go..we don't need you guys..appa and Shanthi will play by ourselves right Janu??
Reena goes to check on her sons...

Shiva: why did you ate my chocolate!!
Shakthi: no I didn't...
Shiva: then where did it disappear..I had kept it on the table before going to take a bath..
Shakthi: I don't know..I have never seen it..
Shiva: you are lying!!
Shakthi: no I'm not!!
Both starts to fight
Reena goes there and separate them
Reena: you guys ..what do you think you are doing??
Shiva: amma he ate my chocolate
Shakthi: no I didn't ..he's lying Amma
Reena: shush both of you...why are you guys fighting over a chocolate...I'll give you more but you have to promise me first..
Both in unison: what promise Amma??
Reena: that you guys will never fight over anything and always resolve it with talk..okay??
Both reluctantly: okay Amma
Reena: now hug..and say sorry
Both hug
Shiva: sorry
Shakthi: it's ok
Shiva: amma he's not apologising
Reena: Shakthi!!
Shakthi: sorry......
Reena: good now go and get ready..your appa is taking us out for dinner...

End of flashback

Shiva: amma-
Reena: no shivu don't take your appa's side...if you love your amma..you will not..
Shiva: but Amma *sighs* ok Amma...but you should go and eat something...you didn't eat anything at the restaurant
Reena: I'm not hungry..I'll eat when I'm hungry...you tell me how's it going with Alisha?? My daughter in law!!
Shiva(blushes): Amma..
Reena(in a serious tone) : she must be worried about her father..you should go and talk to her..
Shiva: yes amma..I'll go and meet her tomorrow before we leave for India..don't worry..you go and sleep..we have a long journey tomorrow ..
Reena: ok my son..
They both smiled
Shakthi: appa...you love her..me and Anna both know..how much you love amma
Rocky: but she doesn't care about my love...so why should I..you heard her when she said that she hate me..-after all this time..how can she say that to me??!!!
Shakthi: appa..Amma is worried about us..she's distressed that's why she said those words..she didn't mean it..
Rocky: what if she did?..will I stop loving her too???
Shakthi: oh cmon..you can't stop loving her..we have seen it since childhood..my amma does something reckless..you always support her anyway..I know you will do the same this time
Rocky looks proudly at his son: my son has grown up..but no..
Shakthi: what no??
Rocky: this time..I won't talk to her of she doesn't come to me herself.why should I be the one who always start the convo after a fight..
Shakthi: but appa-
Rocky: no ifs and buts..I said what I said
Rocky goes away
Shakthi(to himself): cmon appa..you and I both know..you can't stay away from amma for long...
He smiles and shakes head at his stubborn appa as he retreats to his room...

He smiles and shakes head at his stubborn appa as he retreats to his room

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Rocky comes to shivas room to see if his sons are ready to leave ..he sees reena..she was laughing and talking with her sons..Rocky wondered what happened in these hours that her mood took such shift ..but he was glad to see her laughing like that after what happened last night and he was hoping that she had moved on from it..so he decided not to ask about the reason of her happiness...he was just glad to see her like that
But as soon as he entered the room..the room fell silent..Reena was looking the other way..
Rocky: ahem..are you guys ready to leave??
Shiva: yes appa..Amma helped us with our stuffs..you go ahead..we will join you soon
Rocky(his eyes fixed on reena who was looking other way): yea come fast ..I have called the helicopters...

The ride back to kgf was silent
Reena and Rocky were in one helicopter while their sons were sitting in a separate one...Rocky's helicopter was the first one to reach followed by his sons...

Rocky came out of the helicopter ..even though they weren't talking to one another but Rocky still cared for her..as the stairs leading down the helicopter was steep and Reena took a misstep and was about to fall but Rocky steadied her..
Rocky: are you fine??
Reena(steadied herself and jerks herself away from his hold) : yes I'm fine..thanks for help..
Reena moves ahead while Rocky looks at his stubborn wife wistfully......

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