Chapter 06: You by my side

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Shiva: amma...

Reena: yes Shivu what is it sweetie??!Shiva: amma, appa is looking for you!!! Come na

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Reena: yes Shivu what is it sweetie??!
Shiva: amma, appa is looking for you!!! Come na...
Reena : tell him just five minutes more
Shiva: ok amma

Shakthi: appa it's your anniversary what did you gift amma??!
Rocky: son, your amma gave me naughty sons like you how can my gift ever equal hers!!!
Shakthi: yeah that's right you are lucky that you have son like me (he smirks while Rocky pulls his ears)
Rocky sees Shiva come : hey why are you alone I told you to bring your amma.
Shiva: appa,amma said it would take her five more minutes
Rocky: ehh!! She has been saying that since 2 hours.your amma takes forever to get ready and we have to arrive late everytime we go out-
Reena comes there with their 8 year old daughter

Reena: did you say something Raja??!
Rocky is stunned to see her for a moment: n-nothing dear..I was trying to make my sons understand that it's ok if we arrive late after all it's our own party but your sons are such impatient fools !!!
Shiva and Shakthi exchanged amusing glances with each other while Reena shook her head.

Rocky jolted awake from what seemed like another beautiful dream!!! He wondered who's that woman and why can't he recall her face no matter how hard he tried and why did these dreams seem so real so much that his heart aches for that woman and those two boys.

Rocky: so you said you want to join kgf as my co-owner

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Rocky: so you said you want to join kgf as my co-owner...
Shiva(he was holding back so much emotion): yes sir I have the qualifications-
Rocky:  I don't believe in these paper work for me what is valuable is character of the person and you seem like- excuse me(inhales sharply)you seem so close- have we met before??!
Shiva: ummm n-no
Rocky: okay ah my bad...currently Vijay is my assistant ,he looks over the company in my absence when I'm at Narachi for some work..let's do one think why don't you become my co-assistant..maybe if your work live up to expectations then we will see...what say??!
Shiva: y-yes sir..when can I start ??!
Rocky: whenever ..come at your own convenience...
Shiva: is there any accommodation nearby where I can live with my mother??
Rocky: you really love your mother eh!! As most boys your age would prefer to stay away from parents...that's good..since you are going to be my should stay at my residence.
Shiva: but sir won't that be-
Rocky: you maybe co-owner someday but I would always remain the only owner of this kgf empire and you would have to do as I say and my first order is that you stay at my place..
Shiva(smiling from inside): as you wish sir
Reena: but what about your brother Shakthi where would he stay??
Shiva: don't worry amma I have sent him to work in Narachi..I would handle business in kgf while my little brother go there...I remember when we were 8 yrs appa said that he would give kgf to me and Narachi to my lil in a way we are making his wish come true!!
Reena: but Shakthi is onto some mischief..he wouldn't sit there silently...I hope he doesn't create trouble for your appa to drive his wrath!! Botha re so stubborn!!
Shiva: don't worry amma I'm here..I would stay near appa and handle everything!!
Reena:hmm I have faith in you my son...
Vijay: boss how can you agree to share half of your kgf shares with a newcomer just like that..
Oh I get it,you are letting him stay at your place to find his real are smart boss
Rocky: it's nothing like that ..I really intend to give him my shares
Vijay: but sir you don't know him!!!
Rocky : I feel like I have known him all my life..
Vijay: what??
Rocky: n-nothing you just have trust in me I won't take any wrong decision especially when it comes to kgf!!!
Vijay doesn't say anything
Reena's heart was beating fast she was so nervous about going inside kgf palace after so long..Shiva standing by her side assured him that it would be ok.just then her eyes fell on Rocky-still dashing as ever walking out of the main door and coming down the stairs leading there while Reena was standing at the bottom of the stairs...there-their eyes met and Reena couldn't hold back her tears so shiva held her one hand as if to lend her support while Rocky stared at her as he walked down.
Finally they came face to face.Shiva was the first one to break the silence
Shiva: boss this is my amma...Reena Bair- I mean Reena Desai..Amma this is my boss-
Reena: Raja...
Rocky felt a strange electric sensation rushing through his body: h-how do you know my name
Shiva: oh boss I told her about that's why-
Rocky nodded his head while Reena didn't say anything.Vijay who was coming from behind and was about to blurt out the truth when he saw Reena but she gestured him to remain silent.he understood.totally understood now why his strong headed boss melted in front of a stranger wanting half of his hard earned kgf and smiled internally .he called Mallama and Fatima to take Reena inside who understood the assignment.
Shiva:boss I'm starting to work in your company from today
Rocky breaking away from his spell: w-what oh yeah..sure sure go ahead..Vijay would tell you what to do..Vijay help him-
Vijay: sure boss..this way Mr.Shiva

Reena was happily was around the courtyard of kgf palace that she returned

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Reena was happily was around the courtyard of kgf palace that she returned.while Rocky who sent Shiva to work in place of him decided to Stay back.
Riya: Dear wow what a surprise you'd stayed back instead of going back to never did that before then why today
Rocky who was glancing through the window to look at Reena taking a walk in the garden,the same window through which he used to glance at the empty scenery everyday: I feel so happy today -
Riya(who was totally unaware of what was going on):yeah dear I'm happy that you are happy finally we would get to spend some alone time together..come ive cooked your favourite food-
Rocky: uh-no i remember I have something important to do..I have an important meeting with a client in Narachi(he went away hesitantly giving a final glance to Reena to get away from Riya and her annoying talks)....


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