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It's been so long since Rocky and Reena got separated but their love for each other remains ...will always remain

Rocky sees Reena bonding well either way Shakthi just then Shiva comes near him and he turns to see him
Shiva was looking at his appa while remiscing about all time he spent with him before he lost his memory

Rocky: yes do you want to say something??
Shiva(to himself): appa I have a lot to say to you...
Shiva: erm...I was here to talk about Amma's business deal with you,...
Rocky: oh yes business..but first let me ask one thing..
Shiva: yes app-...I mean yes sir you can ask me anything
Rocky: is she really you're amma?? Then what about your appa?? Where is he??
Shiva(stumped for a moment): no sir I'm just her PA but she considers me as her own son and I also consider her as my mother.... That's why-
Rocky: oh and Shakthi are so alike...even Shakthi has started calling her amma and they are bonding freakin well...just look at em..
Shiva(smiles at them ): yes boss...boss
Rocky: yes
Shiva: why don't we bond like them?? I would strengthen our relationship
Rocky (looks at him with some amount of distant memories in mind which he can't recall): why not...
So Shakthi and Shiva decided to switch places for now..Shakthi stayed close to Reena and Shiva stayed with Rocky most of the time
Rocky: Shiva you have stayed with Reena with so long..can you tell me about the things she likes..
Shakthi: what amma you want to know what appa likes!!
Reena: shut's not like he's your real're making us sound like some couple
Shiva: I can play Cupid for you guys!!
Rocky : you would?? Thanks you're much more help than Shakthi..he just won't let me get close to any woman..
Shiva mentally notes to later pat on his little brother back to prevent getting them a stepmom lol
Reena laughs: what??! Really really stopped him from dating ...why so..
Shakthi : for you
Reena: what??
Shakthi: n-nothing..all those women were gold digger
Reena: and how did you know that I'm not...
Shakthi: amma you are gold yourself...!!
Reena smiles and pulls his ear

Reena had gone out to buy some jewelleries for some function of a distant relative
The jewellery store was emptier than usual
There was only one staff
Reena: where are your co-workers??
Staff: oh..they had gone out to eat..since we get less customer this part of the day...don't worry maam ..we got the latest collection follow me..Reena follows him since she's a regular customer here..she tells her guards to stay outside the shop since she doesn't like to be disturbed when she's shopping ..the room was was dark and eerily silent
Reena: where are you?? Why there's no light..
Before she could turn to go back she was hit on her head
Shiva: what do you mean you don't always stay by amma side
Shakthi: yeah but today morning she said she had gone for shopping and will be back soon..since she did that often and I had some meeting with clients ...I let her go..but when I returned form the meeeting it was past diner time..when I didn't see Amma at the table ..I thought she is resting in her room but then Fatima granny said she hadn't returned yet!!then I came running to you
Shiva: come let's find go to the market place and I would check all the restaurants..
Rocky got to know about Reena being missing and drove away in his fastest car driving in every alley and possible areas ..while his sons had made all his search guards to search every corner of kgf and had joined their appa in the chase
Reena opens her eyes to find In a closed isolated abandoned kind of building roof
Reena: k-Kamal?!!
Kamal: oh you remember me!! I thought you had forgotten me all these years and living happily with your family!!!
Reena: what are you doing here??
Kamal: I'm here for know how long it took me to recover from being so close to death...ever since I came back to life..I spent each and every moment thinking how to take my revenge from Rocky!!!
Reena: you got a se cond chance at life..instead of using that change to going far away from Rocky..from came back here to meet your death again??!
Kamal: shut up may have forgotten about our friendship but I haven't...that's the only reason I'm listening to you patiently ...see I've nothing against you...I'm just here to take my revenge from Rocky..and I can only do that by using you...
Reena: it seems like you haven't learnt your lesson at all..I can believe my dad had chosen a joker like you for me...thankfully destiny met me with Rocky and not with you..
Kamal drags Reena from chair and pushes her to the wall..
Kamal: I've listened enough-
Reena: you still have away before Rocky and my sons catch you..or else you'd be wishing you were dead when Rocky shot you years ago..

Kamal fumes with anger and slaps Reena as her head made contact with wall and starts to bleed as a result of contact!! Reena gets dizzy but Kamal didn't let her go yet
Kamal: when Rocky will see his beloved in this stage..he would be so sad...I would love to see his helpless expression...
Reena: y-you je—erk
Kamal: I didn't get you..say louder
Kamal grabs her hair from behind and pulls and drags her along then pushes her to ground..
Kamal: say louder Reena..I know you can
Reena: JERK
Kamal laughs: your attitude hasn't changed a bit...but I have changed I'm not that Kamal anymore who listen to you and your dad ...I'm a man with only purpose to destroy Rocky

Reena can only feel pity for Kamal Coz she knows that her sons and Rocky would show hell to Kamal for his audacity ...
Rocky: dear it looks like our sons are playing Cupid for us
Reena: Raja how long are you gonna continue this act..our sons might catch us
Rocky: no chance dear..I need to teach my sons lesson for playing with their appa..what's this secretary stuff eh dear how dare they make some stupid stories and fool us
Reena laughs

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