Price of love

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Sarika: no I won't ever allow this marriage
Alisha: but mom we really love each other
Sarika; you fathers business got destroyed because of Rocky and now u want to marry his this why we have nbirth to you and fed you for??
Aisha: but mom it's our life...
Sarika: how dare you-
Rohit walks in
Rohit: ah dear why are you scolding my daughters
Sarika: look at their audacity they are talking about marrying your rivals sons..
Rohit: so?? What's wrong in that??
Sarika(shocked): what?? How can you-
Both Alisha and Aisha hug him: thank you so much dad
Rohit: Sarika daughter's happiness is more important to any business to me!!
Sarika looked at him suspiciously as she knew how much Rohit hated Rocky and talked  about his low class background with disgust!!! There must be a motive behind his action!!


After  much reluctance Rocky agreed to the that he had shown Rohit rajvardhan his place..he had nothing to lose..

Reena was still ignoring him though
Rocky: dear do you still hate me??
Reena: why does it matter to you..your business matter more to you after all!!!
Rocky: our sons are getting married..don't be like this dear..
Reena: oh that case why don't you find someone and get married too!!
Rocky: gave you gone crazy what are you saying?? What's wrong with you??!! I'm talking to you keeping aside my self respect can't you do the same??
Reena: I'm talking now..what do you want to talk about ehh,?? Should I thank you for finally letting my sons getting married to whom they want'll say no whenever you want and then change your decision..
Rocky: sssshh you are getting out of control...your being irrational!!
Reena: yes you're right I'm crazy..I'm irrational...then why don't you just leave me forever!!! And find a new entertainment for yourself!!
Rocky(in a controlled tone):Reena please don't-
Shiva reaches there
Shiva: amma-appa how can you fight in time like this??
Shakthi: Anna is right appa!! What will people think of us when they see you fight like enemies in your son's wedding!!
Shiva: I don't want to get married..if it's coming between you two..
Reena & Rocky in unison: NO..
Reena: no my son it's nothing like that-
Rocky: your amma is right..we are not fighting..just arguing..over you know stuffs..decoration...your amma is so stressed ...
Shakthi: better be that
Rocky: yeah totally...
Rocky put an arm over reena and brought her near to she flinched and tried in vain to come out of his hold in front of her sons!!
Shiva: good I want to see you guys like this...if you guys fought one more time-
Reena: what then?? You won't marry Aisha??!!
Shiva(embarrassed): AMMA
reena laughed hard while Rocky looked at her adoringly and smiled..
Shakthi: that's right..that's how I want to see my amma appa on my wedding
Reena came back to reality and gives side annoyed glance to Rocky who smirked at her
As soon as their sons left room. Reena pushed Rocky aside and went out of the room while Rocky looked at her sadly...

Reena came to her room only to see Rocky already lying on her bed....

Reena; what are you doing here??
Rocky: what else dear..sleeping ofcourse!!
Reena; go and sleep in your own room...
Rocky: yeah,??! You can come and sleep on my bed anytime...I never said anything!!! No I'm sleeping go if you want...
Reena was busy all day with the preparation so she didn't have the energy to argue or to walk across the hallway to reach Rocky's room..
She reluctantly walked up to the bed and after few hesitating moment...
Rocky: oh cmon don't be's not like our first night unless you want me-
Reena throws him a pillow before he finished his sentence!! Rocky smirked...
Reena kept a pillow between them
Reena: don't you dare to remove the pillow and come near me!!
Rocky: ok
Reena: I hate you
Rocky: I love you too dear
Few moments later when Reena drifted into sleep
Rocky had stealthily removed the pillow but didn't move from his side..surprisingly it was Reena who came towards him and snuggled near his chest while he caress her hair ...he loved watching her sleep and was totally missing it all these days when Reena was away from him...
Reena(in sleepy voice): I hate you
Rocky: uh-huh

It was finally the wedding day!!!

It was finally the wedding day!!!

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Rocky: look at you dear... it's our son's wedding not look like the bride yourself!!
Reena: you look no less than the groom yourself...did u find another pretty woman like that waiter that day??!!
Rocky: there you ruined a perfect romantic moment between us dear...
Reena: aahh are you regretting marrying me now??!! I hope atleast our sons don't regret their decision like you are!!!
Rocky was about to say something but then Fatima called reena to check up on some wedding gifts prepared for the to be daughter in law of the Bairya family!!!


Reena : Fatima where's the necklace set that I had specially imported from Italy??!
Fatima; madam I had kept it in the store room..since it was the safest place...I'll go and bring it now..
Reena: no you go and check up on the silk and satin garments that I had bought from France ..if they were tailored perfectly or not...
I'll go to the store room
Fatima: ok madam

Reena goes towards the storeroom ..but someone else was following her!!!

Reena reaches there to see Sarika was there..she was searching for something...
Reena: what are you looking for??
It startled Sarika
Sarika: the store room of the wedding venue is so ought to be cleaned call the cleaners!!
Reena(in a taunting voice): the venue was decided by picked should have made sure that everything was perfect..tch what can we expect from a low standard people like you after all..
Sarika: how dare are the one who's low standard..low class people..your husband was raised on the street of Bombay..while didn't even see your mother..who knows which hoe from which whorehouse did you father took you!!
It was enough to trigger reena..she lunged forward towards Sarika only to notice a sharp dagger in her hand..she took a step back while Sarika lunged forward but she slipped and hit her head on nearby table and lost consciousness..Reena the came to check her breathing
Reena: you're're alive..come back to you senses.sarika..
Before Reena could scream someone attacked her from behind.all reena could see was darkness!!

When Reena came back to her senses the dagger was in her hand which was drenched in blood so was her clothes..a few feet away lifeless body of Sarika lay on the floor..with blood all around...Reena screamed in horrror!!!!!!!!!!!

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