Chapter 14: just like fairytale

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Let's give Rocky-Reena the happy ending they deserve shall we???????????
*wink* *wink*

This song suit them perfectly !!!!!!!!

When Shakthi and shiva were just 5 year old infants .

Rocky still couldn't believe he was having a happy family with his beloved wife

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Rocky still couldn't believe he was having a happy family with his beloved wife.all he ever thought was to fulfill his amma's promise .he smiled to himself seeing his wife playing with their twin sons in the winter sun at the palace garden.

After some years
Rocky: are you sure dear??
Reena: yes I am..I hope we have a daughter this time
Rocky's eyes glimmered with happiness

Shakthi and shiva were 10 years old now...after lots of thought reena agreed on another child..she was really scared what if she bore another it took her lots of energy to bear those twin monsters.she was 4 months pregnant now..she was strictly advised to rest by Rocky but her twin monsters just won' was okay with shiva who would read novels with her but Shakthi is always looking for trouble!!! They were at the palace garden

Reena: Shakthi how many times do I tell you not to try your karate moves on your anna!!
Reena shouted at him while tending to shiva's injury
Shakthi(making innocent face that can fool others but not Reena): sorry amma...
Shiva: it's ok amma..I'm fine
Reena:look at you still defending your long are you gonna protect him like this..
Shiva: as long as it takes amma..he's my baby brother ..I'd be by his side forever
Reena(smiled): tch look at you ..acting like a real big brother when you're only 1 minute older...
Shiva smiled cheekily

Reena and Rocky had admitted their sons in some far away place boarding school where nobody knew Rocky's real identity as it was a small town without much media coverage and they used to come home on vacation.

Reena was so jealous of the fact how the mothers of other children would swoon over Rocky on every parents teachers meet!!! But Rocky only had eyes for his wife.

Reena: I told you I'd come here's only a matter of few days..
Rocky: no dear I can't leave you alone moreover they are my sons too...I also have the right to know about their activities
Reena : don't try to fool me I know just love the attention of all the women you get here
Rocky finally understood why Reena always stopped him from coming here, he dragged her towards him closer with a mischievous smile
Reena: what are you doing others can see us
But Rocky wasn't having any of it..he cupped his cheeks with his both palms and when everyone thought he's gonna kiss her in lips..he puts a gentle peck on her forehead and walks away to his jeep where his sons were waiting leaving her alone shocked along with other jealous women who saw them!!!

Shanthi was now 5 years old
Reena was feeding Shanthi while shiva was sitting by her side reading a novel.Shakthi was with his appa practicing archery.
Reena says something to Shanthi and she ran to her appa ..she said something to him as Reena was watching them from afar...what Shanthi said made Rocky drop his bow and he picked her up in his arms and hurried away as Reena laughed with her sons.....

Shanthi wanted a matching accessory to her pink fairy dress she was wearing and Rocky who was too protective of her ever since she was born wanted to fulfill all her wishes right away !!!! (Actually it was all a part of plan of Reena)

Rocky returned to see that his wife and sons weren't in the garden so he went inside the palace hall with his daughter still in his arms...the corridors and Hall was dark and a tinge of déjà vu hit him..
Rocky: Shivu..shay (that's how they call their sons ) come out ..I know it's you..Reena come out...I know you guys are hatching-
Suddenly the lights were on and shower of flowers were falling from balcony above the grand Shanthi clapped ..he put down his daughter after making sure it was safe actually
The trio of shiva -Shakthi and Reena shouted: happy birthday!!!!
Shanthi: happy birthday appa
Rocky: thanks sweetie it was all planned too amma ..I thought u were daddy's girl
Reena: ahh that's why she was the mastermind..she was the one who wanted a grand celebration for her appa's birthday !!
Rocky smiled and picks up Shanthi in his arms and made her cut the cake along with rest of the family sang in the background...

Reena was tidying up her son's room just then someone covered her eyes from behind

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Reena was tidying up her son's room just then someone covered her eyes from behind ..
Reena: what is it Raja I'm busy..
Rocky: cmon dear leave this to our housekeepers .
He takes her with him to the outer perimeter of the palace garden and made her sit by the was dark...night was about to fall..stars can be seen shining in the sky...
Reena: why are we here..
Rocky: to enjoy some alone time while our children are sleeping...
Reena: since when did this brute owner of kgf gold mines became such hopeless romantic??!!
Rocky(taps her head gently): are you going senile dear...has your age finally caught up to you??!! It was the very first moment I met you..I showed the side I never showed to anyone before you brought out the love the love I had locked away in my heart...the keys are with you only dear...keep it or throw it's all yours
Reena smiles at her tamed beast ..the one that has turned into Prince Charming,the knight in shining armour!!!

But for the rest of the world he still was the monster!! As anyone who dared to think about hurting his family already had a burial ground in his name .yeah you heard it right all these times Rocky's enemy had tried to kidnap, hurt his children in order to attack the weakest side of Rocky only to met with grim reaper the form of Raja krishnappa bairya !!!

PS: I just wrote this chapter in the middle of the night.... it is the kind of life that Reena imagined for them and Rocky actually succeeded to give her that !!! <3<3<3<3<3

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