A Heist

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Litchfield Country; August 3rd; 20:08 EDT

In a field off the main highway, six trucks were sitting at the ready with the separate parts of the android being loaded. Red Tornado, Green Arrow, Atom, Flash and Superman were overseeing the loading. Superman turned away and used his X-ray vision to look through a bunch of bushes, which concealed the team waiting on motorcycles. Aqualad and M'gann were on blue, Superboy, Spider-Man, and Robin on red, and Kid Flash on yellow.

He looked at Superboy, which he noticed and returned his gaze. Superman quickly looked away and Superboy looked down before sliding his helmet on as the engines of the trucks revved. The team revved their cycles and came to the edge of the clearing as they put on their helmets. "S.T.A.R. Boston is a go." was said over the comms as 3 trucks closed their back gates.

"S.T.A.R. Manhattan is go." was said by someone else. Green Arrow nodded then looked over at Batman, who gave the signal for them to move. 

The trucks pulled out in 2 separate directions. Robin, Spider-Man, and Superboy followed the ones on the right while Aqualad, Kid Flash, and M'gann followed the ones going left. 

This one is gonna be an eventful ride.

With Superboy, Spider-Man, and Robin,

2 of the trucks made a right-hand exit as one continued straight. The trio followed that one. Spider-Man tried to keep his distance from Superboy, and Robin knew exactly why. He zoomed onto Superboy's right, "If dislike is the opposite of like, is disaster the opposite of aster? See, instead of things going wrong, they go right." Superboy gave no reply and ignored the sidekick, "Uh, clearly, you're not feeling the aster. What's wrong?" he asked.

"Canary and Shang-Chi." Superboy replied quickly. "What business do they have teaching combat skills to a guy with super-strength?" he questioned to both himself and Robin. 

"Taking down stronger guys is part of the gig." Robin said simply, "Canary, and especially Shang-Chi, learned that the hard way. Same with Batman, and, well, me." he continued, slightly hesitant to add himself. Superboy revved his cycle closer to the truck, trying to stay as far away from Robin.

Robin sighed and noticed Spider-Man was riding alone beside the truck in his own thoughts. He drove to his side, "So, I see you're deep in thought. You normally do that?" he asked.

Spider-Man was shaken out of his thoughts and looked at Robin with a smile, "Yeah. Sorry about that." he replied.

"So... Who's Black cat? She sounds familiar." Robin said, trying to start a conversation.

"She's a cat burglar. Probably one of the best in the world. She's basically my Catwoman." he explained.

A thought sparked into Robin's mind of realization, "Ohhhhh! Felicia Hardy! Isn't she, like, Catwoman's cousin or something?" he asked.

Spider-Man nodded, "Yeah. Honestly I'm kinda surprised she stopped when I did."

"You really think she'd try and break in and take this stuff?" Robin asked.

Peter thought about it, before he finally knew his answer, "Honestly, no. I know her. She'd steal almost anything. But there's certain stuff she'd never steal. She's smart. She won't try and steal something that is almost impossible to take down." 

"Really seems like you knew her a lot." Robin told him with an implying smirk.

Peter noticed and blushed slightly as the 2 began to slowly rev back behind the truck and Superboy, "She... She does know me. If I see her again, she'll probably definitely know why I stopped. She probably knows me more than I know myself. She's a good person deep-"

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