Beaten And Bruised

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An unconscious Peter was dropped onto MJ's bed with his mask taken off and by the green alien herself, M'gann. MJ immediately rushed to his side, "Peter. Peter, come on. Wake up." she begged as she grabbed onto his hand.

Robin climbed in through the window as M'gann sat down in front of Peter on the bed, "He and Kingpin fought."

"You think he's gonna be alright?" Robin asked.

"Pete's been through worse."

"Worse than this??" M'gann questioned.

"Green Goblin existed at a point, remember? And Electro."

"And with them, he still got up and fought back. NOW, he can barely stand." Robin replied. MJ sighed and looked back at Peter, "He's gotta take a break from Kingpin."

"Kingpin's not going to take a break."

"Well he has to. I showed up there. Which means he'll probably think Batman is involved. Also with all the warehouses Pete has taken out from Kingpin, whatever he's doing would take 2 times longer. Peter needs to take a break."

MJ considered it. Then again. It wasn't her choice to make.

"Fine..." They all looked at Peter, who's eyes were slowly tearing themselves open. 

"Peter, what're you-" MJ began.

"He's right." Peter slowly and painfully lifted himself up, with MJ's help. "For the past few nights I've been working at this none-stop. I can't take Kingpin on. Not now. Not for a while."

MJ put her hand on his shoulder, "You sure?"

He nodded as he tried to get more comfortable on the bed, "Definitely. I'd kill for one. I need it."

"What about Harry?"

"I won't stop working on that. Harry needs my help. But Kingpin can wait for a bit."

"Yeah." Robin said as he began to walk backwards to the window, "I doubt he's gonna show his ugly mug again soon."

Peter let out a tired laugh, but as he did so, a massive pain hit his chest. He fell back on the bed, "Ouch."

MJ readjusted him so his head laid on the pillow, "YOU need some rest now."

"What about Ma-"

"I already texted her the second Dick and M'gann told me about you. She think you're sleeping over the night. Wouldn't hurt to call though."

"I will." He looked up at Dick and M'gann, "Thank you guys for this. So much. I owe you one."

"You don't need to thank us. Really, Pete." M'gann told him as she got up from sitting at the end of the bed, "You're our friend."

"Plus, we should be thanking you! It's not everyday you get to save Spider-Man of all heroes." Dick said.

A smile appeared on his face, "Don't make me laugh, please."

Dick laughed as he began to make his way out through the window, "We'll head home. Text you guys in the morning."

MJ and Peter nodded and Robin leaped out the window. M'gann began to make her way out, looking at MJ and Peter. MJ had her hand on his forehead, massaging it with his thumb. They also held onto each other's hands.

"You really scared me there, tiger." MJ told him.

"Don't I always?" Peter replied, making MJ laugh.

M'gann looked at the 2 of them with a wide smile. Maybe M'gann didn't need to do much to help Peter like Logan said she would... She then flew out of the window, leaving the 2 of them alone.

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