Ambush At Mount Justice

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Mount Justice; September 22nd; 18:43 EDT

M'gann's ship was docked inside the cave on a platform above the small waterscape. Spider-Man was walking with Kid Flash in the hallway leading to the area. Kid Flash was eating a sandwich while Spider-Man ate a banana with the bottom half of his mask open to eat. "We have an entire cafeteria of food and you choose a banana?" Kid Flash asked him.

Spider-Man took a bite, "I wanna eat healthy." he said with his mouth stuffed.

"A sandwich is healthy." Kid Flash said as he pointed to the half eaten sandwich in his other hand.

"And I'm not that hungry, man." Spider-Man said and swallowed his banana.

Kid Flash took another bite, "So, we still down for later?" he asked.

Spider-Man nodded, "The deal's still happening tonight. And with the fact a symbiote is there with the biggest crime boss in history, I'm gonna need all the help I can get." Peter told him and took another bite. After what felt like an eternity, Kingpin called Harry and organized a deal for that night. At 21:00 EDT.

"Are you sure you're gonna be in the right place for this?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" Spider-Man asked, not sharing a glance with Kid Flash.

"Well... For one, Harry is your best friend. He's dying. And he's gonna be there. You're basically ripping the one thing that could definitely cure him away from him. And two, Kingpin's gonna be there. Last time you guys met, he kicked your butt." Kid Flash explained.

"I was beaten to a pulp by Prowler before that. I'm gonna be in peak shape tonight. I'll be alright. And Harry... I don't know what I'm gonna do there."  Spider-Man said. They finally walked into the area and saw M'gann and Connor standing in front of the hallway to the rest of the cave with Sphere near them. The two of them were pretty close.

Well that was probably from the fact they were dating now.

Peter wasn't surprised they were dating now. He was pretty much the first person Connor told when they kissed on that mission of theirs. Kid Flash didn't seem to know of their relationship though.

"Hey, guys!" Kid Flash called out as they headed up the stairs. They saw Superboy's motorbike behind them, "You two sure spend a lot of time working on his bike. Obviously, you need the Wall-man's expert help."

Connor, M'gann and Peter all shared a look and a small smile before Connor and M'gann patted Sphere.

Kid Flash walked over to the side of the bike and crouched by it. "Gotta say. You do know your bikes, Connor." he said. Spider-Man then saw in the corner of his eye, Kaldur walking up the stairs to them. "Torque wrench." Wally called out. M'gann used her telekinesis to float the tool over to his hand, "Thank you, Green-Cheeks." Kid Flash thanked enthusiastically.

Kaldur then spoke up, "I have been meaning to ask. Any problem juggling schoolwork with your responsibilities here?" he asked curiously.

"No." Connor said quickly and simply.

Spider-Man shook his head as he finished his banana at last, "Not really. I've been dealing with that for a while. I just deal with it on my patrols and stuff when I have free time."

 "Juggling's just one of my many talents." Wally said pridefully with a slight chuckle, "Socket wrench."

M'gann gave it to Wally using her telekinesis as she answered Kaldur's question, "Cheerleading practice has presented a challenge." She then turned to Kaldur, "Oh, but my first loyalty is always to the team. This team, not the Bumblebees."

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