Raven's Plan

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Raven was sitting in an airport in her human form. She had a large hat along with a coat. She was patiently waiting for the time when her plane would lift off. "Raven. Stop." She heard from behind her. She had a confused look on her face before she turned around, seeing an old woman that was sitting behind her. The woman was looking at Raven as if she was hypnotized, "Stop running."

"Charles?" She asked quietly. She leaned in closer, "Where are you?"

"Back at the house, where you should be." Meanwhile with the heroes, Peter, Logan and M'gann watched Charles do his thing with Cerebro, using it perfectly. They were surrounded by red displays of mutants. "I need you to come home."

Raven scoffed with a slight smile, "I know what I need to do." Raven got up and left.

Charles left the mind of the old woman and went into another.

As Raven walked past a couple of people sitting on chairs, a man in a business suit spoke to her, "If you kill Trask, you'll be creating countless more just like him."

"Then I'll kill them too." She continued walking away, until a teenage boy with glasses began to walk past her, "Those are Erik's words, not yours."

Raven looked at the boy walking past her and suddenly bumped into a stewardess. Raven's bag dropped to the ground and both of them bent down to pick their things up. The stewardess held her passport and was about to give it to her as they got up, but the woman began to speak to her, "The girl I grew up with wasn't capable of killing. She was good, fair, full of compassion." the woman told her.

Raven glared at the woman, "I have compassion. Just not for Trask. He's murdered too many of us." Raven then grabbed her passport from the woman's hands and walked past her.

"Shut her down, Charles. Get in her head." Logan told Charles.

"She's not letting me in. Raven has known me since we were children. She knows what doors to lock to keep me out. I taught her... but maybe..." Charles trailed off. he then closed his eyes.

Raven began to walk down the corridor along with the crowds of the airport that led to her flight, but was shocked to see... Charles in front of her. Standing and everything. She gasped and froze. "I know what Trask has done. But killing him will not bring them back. It will set you on a path from which there is no return. An endless cycle of killing... us and them till there is nothing left. But we can stop it right now, you and I. You just have to come home."

She shook her head, "I have to?" She scoffed, "You haven't changed at all, Charles. No matter how bad the world gets or how bad they treat us, you'll still protect them. Like I said... I know exactly what to do." Charles sighed before Raven limped her way down the corridor, and right through the projection of Charles.

Cerebro slowly shut off and Charles let out and tired sigh. He took off the helmet and he looked like he was on the verge of tears. "Where is she?" M'gann asked.

"She's in an airport, broading a plane." he chuckled.

"A plane to where?" Logan then asked.

Charles stared into the distance as if he was focusing and trying to remember something, "...Washington, D.C."

"Wait. Did you say Washington, D.C?" Peter asked.

"Yes." Charles nodded, then he turned to look at Peter, "Why?"

"Trask. I saw on the news a few days ago there's gonna be an announcement in Washington tomorrow morning. A new protocol for mutants. It's gonna be this big thing."

Suddenly, Beast rushed into the room, out of breath, "You all need to see this."

They all entered Charles' office. Beast shut the door and then switched on the television. It hung on the roof-corner of the room. The TV showed a news report of the white house and someone talking in front of it, "Tomorrow, in front of the White House, the president will make his announcement. He will be joined by the Secretary Of Defense Laird, and has even sought the help of renowned scientist, Bolivar Trask, his special advisor, to combat this mutant issue arising. We will-" And Beast muted the news report.

"Well that's not good." Peter said.

"Raven doesn't realize that if she kills Trask at an event like that with the whole world watching..." Charles began.

"Then I came a long way for nothing." Logan said.

Beast had even more bad news coming, "I also read a report that they found traces of her blood in Paris. For all we know, they already have her DNA, which is all they'd need-" 

"To create the Future Sentinels..." 

They all were silent. This was bad. They didn't know what else to do. It seemed like the future was already set. "There's a theory in quantum physics... that time is immutable. It's like a river. You can throw a pebble into it... and create a ripple, but the current always corrects itself... No matter what you do, the river just keeps flowing in the same direction."

"What are you trying to say?" Logan asked.

"What I'm saying is... what if the war is inevitable? What if she's meant to kill Trask? What if this is just simply who she is..."

Silence filled the air again. All 5 of them in the room were contemplating if the future was inevitable because... it looked like it was.

Then Charles spoke, "Just because someone stumbles and loses their way...doesn't mean they're lost forever." Everyone looked at Charles. Professor X was back to his old self, "No, I don't believe that theory, Hank. And I cannot believe that is who she is. Ready the plane. We're going to Washington." He then turned to Peter and M'gann, "And get your friends ready. We're going to need them."

Heyy, been a while hasn't it? Sorry for the no updates. Wanted to take a break and personal life and all. But I'm starting to come back full time so expect more updates soon.. I'm also aiming to finish all my unfinished stories, so yeah, there's that. But yeah, I'm back!

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