Spider-Man vs Prowler Rematch

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Spider-Man swung from building to building, left with his inner thoughts. He still couldn't believe what was going on.

Harry is dying.

A symbiote was stolen.

There's a rising Kingpin in town that he has had no leads to.

He's still looking for Logan with his free time.

His job.



Some guy up there really has it out for me.

He finally got near the crime scene, which was about 10 blocks away. And even HE could see the smoke from the bank. He could also see the cops car from below him letting out their sirens as they charged to the bank like an army.

After a bit of time, he saw the event. Cars were flipped over. Fire was erupting from the bank. And cops were gathered outside the bank behind cars. None of them were going inside or firing their guns.

He saw the new Police Captain commanding the officers. An Asian woman with short hair that ended at her shoulders. Around her late 40s. He just hoped she wouldn't turn out like the last one... 

He swung down to them and landed on the cop car behind her, "I see we have a new captain in town!" he yelled. She turned to face him with confusion on her face as he simply began to start clapping, "Welcome to New York, where your favorite neighborhood hero saves the day and least favorite neighborhood villains ruin it!"

She narrowed her eyes at him as she put her fists on her waist, not amused in the slightest. There was an awkward silence then the captain turned to a cop standing beside her, "Is he always this chatty?" she asked him. The cop nodded with a smile then she turned back to the hero with a tired look.

"Oh trust me, Captain. I'll grow on you. Just like the last one. And that one hated me!" 

"Didn't he die working with you?"

Spider-Man was stunned silent then quickly got back to the topic, "So what're we dealing with here?" he asked as he turned around to the bank.

She crossed her arms and took a step forward, "Nothing much. Witnesses say some guy in purple and black suit came in and just started destroying the place. Cops tried to fight back, but were taken out before they even a bullet him him."

"And of them-"

"Just injured. There's one still inside, but we can't find him. The guy that attacked had some sort of purple suit with gauntlet?"

Peter spun his head back to her in shock. Prowler wouldn't be out here again, would he? I thought he said the next time we'd see each other... it would be the last... If I remember correctly at least.

The captain noticed the shocked expression through his mask, "So I assume you know who it is?" she asked him. 

He looked back at the bank, "...Sadly maybe." he replied. He looked back at her, "I never got your name by the way."

She simply stared at him with annoyance in her eyes, "Watanabe. Yuri Watanabe. Now can you get going?"

"Oh right! Wish me luck." He then leaped off towards the bank. He shot through one of the windows in the bank and landed on the ground. There was fire almost everywhere. Pieces of debris were scattered around the building with bullets crunching under his feet.

He let out a few coughs from the smoke and was taking looks from all around him, "HELLO! ANYONE HERE?" he yelled out.

Then another voice was heard, "OVER HERE! I'M STUCK!" the man yelled. Spider-Man looked around to see where the voice was coming from until he saw a group of boulders huddled together. "OVER HERE!!"

Spider-Man rushed through the flames, feeling every inch of his body being touched by them. And it hurt. Badly. But he continued on.

He made it to the boulders, "I'm here. I'm here. Lemme just-" He threw one boulder off. Then another.

"Oh, thank you, Spider-Man." The man said. Suddenly, a purple glow emitted from the rocks, confusing him. He slowly leaned forward to get a closer look.

"Hey? You alright in there??" He questioned. 

He then heard the sounds of a machine whirring, "Just fine!" Suddenly his senses went off.

Spider-Man backflipped backwards a couple of feet as a punch was sent out from the boulders. A metallic purple fist that emitted a purple glow. Spider-Man crouched and looked up to see his enemy.


Prowler kicked off a couple of boulders that were still on him and let out a small laugh, "I knew that would work. You and your need to save everyone." Prowler said in his dark distorted voice.

"What do you want, Prowler! Is there even a civilian in here??" Spider-Man questioned as he stood up.

Prowler began to walk around Spider-Man, "Oh no. All the people are safe... for now. But what it doesn't matter what I want. It matters what the boss wants."

"Oh, so what? Kingpin wants me dead? Shocker." He replied sarcastically.

Prowler's hand clenched into a fist, "No. He wants to speak to you."

"About what?"

"Why don't you ask him yourself... when I bring you to him." Suddenly Prowler charged forward to Spider-Man. Luckily he was prepared and blocked a punch that tried to be sent to him.

The 2 exchanged blows until Spider-Man punch him so hard he was sent flying into the second roof. Prowler groaned annoyingly and shook his head. Spider-Man simply smirked.

He then shot a web on both of Prowler's sides and sling shot himself up with a kick to Prowler. But he recovered already and leaped down to Spider-Man, who was flying right towards him. He grabbed the hero's legs and threw him into a pile of rubble.

Spider-Man got up, throwing all of the rubble off of him like they were nothing. He turned around and then saw Prowler coming in with a kick. Spider-Man grabbed his legs and threw him away.

"This is not gonna go like how it went last time." Spider-Man said as he made his way towards Prowler, who was coming out of a wall of flames.

"You sure about that?" Prowler replied. Suddenly his senses went off again. Spider-Man looked down and saw mini purple bombs lying on the ground that Prowler dropped... on purpose. Spider-Man leaped back just before the explosion occurred. But the second he landed, Prowler took the moment of vulnerability and sped towards the hero, sending his strongest punch to Spider-Man face. 

Spider-Man was on the ground, feeling out of breath and barely able to get back up. Every part of his body was in pain, especially the face, "Why's it always the face?" he uttered to himself.

He then tried with all his strength to get back up, but Prowler put his foot on his chest, pushing him back down. Spider-Man let out a loud grunt as he tried to push back against Prowler, "You're lucky the boss wants you alive." Prowler said to him.

Spider-Man glared at the villain, but unable to do anything, "You're gonna regret this." 

"Sure I am." Prowler then punch Spider-Man in the face, knocking him out...

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