A Vampire's Lair

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"You see, this was a personal thing so around... Never?" Spider-Man told her,.his voice laced with a stubborn resolve, as he turned to face them. He had risen to stand, his posture defiant.

"Well you're not doing it by yourself." Connor declared. The two of them began walking towards Spider-Man, their steps synchronized, moving to the edge where the web-slinger stood surveying the city below.

Spider-Man looked between the both of them, his expression a tableau of confusion and surprise, "Wait, what?"

"Well you're not exactly a detective. You could use some help." M'gann chimed in, her voice gentle yet firm.

"And it would probably be useful to have someone who can't have their neck bitten through on your search for a vampire." Connor added. That was one of the very VERY few times Spider-Man had ever heard him make a joke.

Spider-Man was taken aback, shock etching his features as the conversation took an unexpected turn. He didn't expect this conversation to go like this. For the 2 of them to be so understanding. A small smile crept onto his face as he walked back to the edge with them, "Alright then. Follow me." he conceded, the smile still playing on his lips. Then, with a grace that defied gravity, Spider-Man leaped off the building, the wind catching his form as he swung away with Miss Martian, with her ethereal grace, took to the skies, flying behind him, while Superboy leaped behind them from building to building.

Michael Morbius' Lab,

In the bright light of day, the Oscorp building towered above them. The trio—Spider-Man, Miss Martian, and Superboy—approached with caution. Oscorp was an EXTREMELY secure place. He couldn't enter as Peter Parker with his 'normal' friends like last time. The only reason it worked last time was because it was at Harry's building where he stayed and he knew people there. Plus, Harry would find out.

Utilizing Miss Martian's abilities to go invisible, they navigated through the bustling lobby and onto an elevator without drawing any attention. Spider-Man, with a subtle nod, indicated their floor, and as the elevator ascended up the Oscorp Building.

Upon reaching the floor they needed to get to, they exited into a less frequented corridor, the hum of the building's day-to-day operations a distant echo. Spider-Man led the way down the hallway, his senses on high alert for any sign of security measures that could compromise their mission. Luckily they were still invisible.

Arriving at the front door of Morbius' lab, Spider-Man paused, his hand took the keycard that Harry had entrusted him with off his chest which he clipped on. With a swift motion, he slid the card into the reader, and the lock disengaged with a soft click.

The door swung open silently, revealing the lab beyond. The trio rushed in with Miss Martian staying at the door for a second to see if anyone noticed. She then shut the door and it locked itself again.

The lab itself, illuminated by the sterile glow of LED lights, sprawled maze of high-tech equipment and cluttered workspaces. Morbius was a busy man.

Upon entering, the trio could smell that the air would be tinged with the scent of antiseptic and the faint, almost imperceptible, odor of chemicals that don't belong outside of a controlled environment. The walls, adorned with digital screens and monitors, would displayed complex biochemical formulas and molecular structures.

The center of the lab was dominated by a large, empty glass containment unit. Nearby, an array of sophisticated microscopes and centrifuges sat alongside more experimental devices. The machines hummed and whirred softly.

Tables cluttered with scientific journals and scattered notes written in a hurried, almost illegible script would fill the space. Samples of various compounds, neatly labeled, shared shelf space with vials containing more mysterious substances, their contents unknown and shimmering in the artificial light.

The Amazing Spider-Man of Young Justice (Season 1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora