The Contact

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Spider-Man landed in an alleyway with his backpack. He then changed into his normal clothes with his super suit under his clothing. He threw his backpack over his shoulder and began to walk out of the alleyway, when suddenly, he began to feel nauseous. He stumbled over and held himself up against the wall by putting his hand against it and holding himself up. 

He looked up, and began began hearing a menacing cackling. HIS cackling. The Green Goblin's cackling.

He looked around himself quickly and worryingly. The sky's blue was replaced with green. 

He then heard water bubbling. He looked to the street and saw how a green liquid began to bubble out of the sewer from the manhole cover.

Peter shut his eyes and breathed in deeply, trying to focus and stay calm. Soon, the sounds of bubbling ended. He opened his eyes and saw everything back to normal. He let out a sigh of relief and stood up straight. He rubbed his eyes, "I need some rest..." he muttered to himself. 

He then felt his phone vibrating. He took it out and saw a message from Artemis of where she would need to meet him. He put it back into his pocket and made his way to the destination.


Peter finally made it to the location. He stopped outside the Big Belly Burger and looked through the window, seeing Artemis sitting at a table... along with someone else.

He was an old black man with a bald spot across the top of his head. A cane lied beside his chair he was sitting on.

Peter entered the building, ringing the bell above the door and grabbing Artemis' attention. She turned towards the door and smiled when she saw Peter. She raised her hand, gesturing to Peter where she was sitting. Peter walked over to her table and stood between the 2 people and in front of the table, "Hey." he greeted.

"Marcus." Artemis lied, concealing his real name. "This is Mr. Hart." Artemis introduced, gesturing to the old man.

Peter raised his hand slightly to greet him and Hart nodded his head at Peter, also greeting. Peter looked around and pulled a chair from another table to sit down. He sat down on it on one end of the table as Artemis began to explain, "So, to catch you up, Mr. Hart was just busy explaining to me about... Wilson Fisk." 

Peter's eyebrows raised at Artemis, "Wi-Wilson Fisk?" He turned towards Mr. Hardt, "That's his name?" he asked him.

Hart nodded, "Yes. I saw him when he was just a boy. A sad child. Him and his mother were pure victims of the horrors of Hell's Kitchen." Hart explained.

"And his father?" Peter asked.

Hart's expression quickly changed to one of resentment, "His father was nothing but a pile of trash. He would constantly abuse him and his mother. But nobody would , nor could do anything about it. Anytime police could get involved, they would get bribed or somehow look the other way. Any chance they got, Wilson and his mother would come over to my apartment for safety." he explained.

"Well, how do you even know that Wilson Fisk is the Kingpin?" Peter asked.

"He looks over out neighborhood, specifically me." Hart replied.

"And here's the important question." Peter jumped in as he leaned forward, crossing his arms, "Why are we supposed to trust you if you and him are friends?"

"Marcus!" Artemis silently scolded.

Hart put his hands up to calm her down, "No, no. It's alright, miss. That is a very sensible question." He looked back at Peter, "Truth is, son... Wilson's mission to save Hall's Kitchen was pure at first. He wanted to get criminals that should be put in prison, IN prison and make them stay there. he wanted to make it better... But eventually... while his goal was still the same... his way of doing it changed. Corruption, murder... He crossed a line. THAT I could not stand by and watch no longer."

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