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Top of Empire State Building; 07:37

Peter sat on an edge with his mask off and eyes shut. He watched the sun begin to set. It was peaceful. He took in a deep breath of fresh air, glad he could get some rest from the day.

"I see why this is your favorite view." He heard a female voice from behind him and he knew exactly who it was.


He opened his eyes and turned his head around, seeing the Martian hovering gracefully. He let out a huff with a smirk and turned back to the sunset, "Yeah. You'd be surprised by how many peaceful spot there are in New York." he said.

She floated to beside him and sat next to him, "And how many is that?" she asked him.

"...3." Peter awkwardly replied, making her laugh. "I told you you'd be surprised." 

M'gann held back her laugh, "Well you were right about that then." she said and both looked back at the sunset.

A silence filled the air, one that neither minded. She then broke it, "So what's the story? How'd you find this spot?" she asked.

"Well..." He leaned back a bit, "This was where my first official date with Gwen was. She made a joke about it. I said why not? And wouldn't ya know..." He held his hand out and gestured to the view, "Best view in New York... it was her favorite." M'gann's eyes fell, not knowing what to say to that. She then realized they never finished that session of theirs.

She reached for his hand that laid on the ground, but stopped an inch away and looked up at him, "May I?" she asked. He looked at her and nodded his head. She looked back at his hand put hers on it. Her eyes glowed white as she looked into his memories... from the beginning.

She saw everything from Peter's perspective. He was peeking from behind a wall. He was also... shorter? He was a child. He was watching 2 adults leave and saying their goodbyes to 2 other people. The 2 adults leaving were a man and woman, same for the other 2. She recognized the 2 adults leaving... they were his parents. The other 2 adults must've been Aunt may and Uncle Ben. The mother was in tears as she hugged May, "Please make sure he'll be alright." she begged.

"I will." Aunt may said as the 2 men hugged as well, saying their goodbyes. His parents then left and never to be seen again.

The scenery switched to Peter in high school. He was in a large science exhibit alongside Gwen, Harry, and MJ. Unlike the rest of the group, Gwen was in a lab coat. He did tell the team that Gwen had worked in a laboratory before. Guess this was it. Gwen was clearly giving a tour of the building, alongside a man missing an arm - Curt Connors.

Gwen walked away for a moment and Harry took the opportunity to lean closer to Peter, "She's waiting for you, pal." he told him.

Peter looked at him confused, "What? Gwen? We're just friends."

"Not Gwen." Harry nudged his face towards MJ, who was talking to a couple of her friends, "Her."

He looked away from MJ and at harry, "What'd you mean?" he asked.

"The way she looks at you, doesn't look at you. However you wanna put it." Harry explained.

(There will be an open line when the scenery switches.)

The scenery switched to Peter sitting with Aunt May at a table, eating dinner, "Tell me, would it be so dangerous to let Mary Jane know how much you care?" she asked.

"She doesn't really know who I am."

"Are you sure it's not because you won't let her? You're so mysterious lately." she told him, making him smile.

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