Artemis To The Rescue

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Red Torpedo walked across the outlook, coming to stand beside Red Inferno. "4 minutes." One of them called out.

In the inner hallway, Robin and Artemis opened a panel that Robin landed silently out of. They overlooked the scene without being seen from there. 

"Okay. Make the distraction." He told Kid through the comms.

Kid nodded then tried turning his head towards Spider-Man as much as he could. He got the signal, ""Hey Red Tomato! Who's your girlfriend, Red Onion?" Spider-Man yelled at them.

Conner looked confused but caught on easily. "Yeah, and by the way, worst death trap ever." he shouted. Connor finally got the robots' attention. "We can escape any time we want."

"I can vibrate my molecules out of here before your binary brains could count to two!" Kid added.

"Cover me." Robin told Artemis as he hooked a grapple line to the wall and swung over to the generator. 

Artemis aimed her last arrow, "And you can't drown a Kryptonian, dumb-bots. We don't breathe air!" Connor taunted. Spider-Man cocked his head, part of him wondering if that was actually true.

But Kid and Spidey laughed obnoxiously as Robin disconnected the cable. 

"And Ms. Martian?" Spider-Man continued as Robin pulled open the panel and set the technology that he created inside. "I can't believe you're buying her act." Robin connected his Holo-glove.

"Rerouting power now." he told them lowly.

"Yeah." Conner added. "You know how hot it gets in the cave of Mars?"

Robin looked over his shoulder, before glaring at the screen, "It's not working."

"That cage is just making her homesick." Conner continued to gripe.

"Duh!" Kid laughed.

Robin finally saw what the problem was. A small gap between the two components. "The circuit's incomplete." He put the connecting cord back into his glove. "I need something conductible. A piece of metal or-"

"Robin, look out!" Artemis screamed, just before a massive wave overtook him and the platform he was on.

Artemis took aim, but was quickly  knocked off course by a narrowly missed fireball from Red Inferno. The arrow flew right past Red Torpedo as Red Inferno tried to hit Artemis again, but the archer was quick to duck and ducked away. She reached for another arrow, but there was none left in her quiver. She turned and headed back into the vent, barely avoiding Red Inferno's fire that just reached at her boots.

She got the the part of the vents that were torn open from the events. By looking through another torn vent in front of the one she is in allowed her to see them without them seeing her. She watched Red Torpedo bringing Robin to the outlook, still suspended in the water. 

he wasn't fighting back, and it almost looked like... he wasn't breathing.

She gasped and stumbled back. All the sights of her friends in danger flashed before her eyes. Kid, Spidey Conner watched as the water got closer and closer to overtaking them. Kaldur and M'gann trapped in the fire cage. And what might be the worst of all, Robin was still suspended in water.

"No. No, no, no." Was the only thing she can mumble as she curls into a fetal position. "No, no, no." she was almost sobbing.

The water dropped Robin onto the outlook, but he didn't even cough when he was freed from the water.

The two robots looked at him, while now Kaldur and M'gann were both unconscious.

Spider-Man, Wally and Conner had to now keep their chins up to avoid the water as Sphere beeped.

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