Erik Goes Rogue

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The bullet hit her thigh.

She was okay.

It hurt. Badly. But she was. Glass rained down as the crowds saw her. Kaldur, Scott and Superboy all had their eyes widened, "Guy's mind explaining what on Earth's going on up there?" Superboy asked.

Back in the building, Spider-Man began punching Erik down, but he quickly used his powers to shoot the taser from the general onto Spider-Man. His spider sense quickly reacted and he spun around to catch the electric wire. While he was distracted, Erik pulled the metal holding up the table towards him. He hit Spider-Man with it, sending him flying into a wall. He then tied Spider-Man to the wall with the metal columns from his arms.

Logan began to fall back onto the wall as memories of what happened to him started to flood back in.

The pain.

The torturous transformation that gave him the adamantium.

All of it.

Erik got back up, "Erik, don't do this." Charles tried to tell him.

"And you'll do what, Charles? You cannot stop me. And you and I both know why." Erik replied. He then lifted Charles' chair with him still on it and threw it aside. He was about to walk towards the window where Raven jumped out of, but M'gann stepped in front of him, "Get out of my way, child." Erik told her.

"I can't do that." M'gann replied. Chairs around her began to float, ready to be thrown at Erik. Erik simply cocked his head and suddenly, she was hit on the head from something behind her. Her eyes shut as she winced in pain and fell to the ground. The chairs fell and Erik began to make his way over to the window. He pulled the recordings and evidence of mutants, which was in the form of a hard drive, into his hand.

Meanwhile with Mystique, the crowds all gasped in fear when they saw the mutant rise to her feet. Mystique wasn't fazed and she then looked over at one of the people standing in the crowd. It was a woman with a red jacket and black skinny jeans. She was African American and had long curly hair. Mystique's body then morphed into that of the woman's. everyone gasped and stepped back. She then began to make her way down the empty street with the limp in her thigh.

Suddenly, Erik floated down from the window she jumped through. Once he landed, he extended his hand out with his palm facing upwards. She suddenly fell over as she felt a large pain in her thigh. She could feel the bullet being pulled towards Erik's direction and couldn't keep in her scream anymore. She screamed in pain as she was pulled towards Erik and morphed back into her true form.

Superboy, Scott and Kaldur quickly tried making their way past the crowds.

Once she was in front of him, he pulled the bullet out of her and made it hover in above his hand. He stared emptily at her as she began to beg and cower in fear, still lying on her back, "Erik...please..."

"I'm sorry, Raven." He told her. Suddenly, he sensed something about to attack him. He spun around, but it was too late. He was swatted away by Superboy.

Superboy, still glaring at Erik, told Mystique, "Run." She got up and tried to run off as the crowds began to disperse and run away.

Erik got back up from the ground as Kaldur and Scott stepped up beside Superboy from both his side. "So what's the plan?" Superboy asked.

"Take. Him. Down." Cyclops told him before Kaldur took out his Water-Bearers and threw off his coat, revealing himself to be in his uniform, as did Cyclops while Superboy was always in his normal uniform.

Superboy charged at Erik as Erik walked over to him calmly. Superboy leaped towards him, but before his punch landed on Erik, a metal cord suddenly wrapped around his neck and pulled way. He was thrown into a fountain nearby and dunked into the water. Superboy tried to escape, but he kept being pushed back into the water by other metal cords.

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