Savage Animals

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"Seriously?" Peter questioned as they he swung to another branch, "It was that good?"

"Prob'ly some of the best spaghetti I ever had, mindin' the fact he near 'bout burnt down the kitchen." She said and both laughed loudly.

He then let out a sigh as memories of Logan began flooding in and he stopped swinging on another branch, "I miss him, you know?" he told her.

She paused in her flight and turned around to him, "I do too, sugah. Hard to imagine life without him. He's the main reason I'm even on the team. He helped me..."

"Did you guys find any leads?"

"Not a single one. The closest thing we found is where he touched down in the ocean. Looks like he might've been picked up by some cruise ship, but we can't dig up a single thing about it."

"Why would someone take Logan?" He asked curiously.

"Well, Logan's healin' factor's 'bout the strongest one I've ever seen. Anybody'd wanna take advantage of that."

"He's also one of the world's most profound killers. Weapon X and all that."

"You think Stryker might be involved again?"

"Not exactly out of the line."

"Well then, darlin', you're dead wrong," she retorted, arms crossed, still hoverin' mid-air in front of him. "That was the first person we checked. He's in Rykers. Ain't had no involvement with the outside world at all. We've been searchin', Spidey. We got nothin' you haven't already thought of."

He groaned again, but then suddenly, his senses went haywire. He spun his head towards the trunk of the tree where a large green python lunged at him with it's mouth wide open. The python seemed 100 times larger than even an averagely large snake. Spider-Man caught it by it's neck right in his hands as it reached mere inches from his face. But the python already pushed enough force to knock him off the branch. The 2 came falling down the tree as they wrestled with each other, Spider-Man still holding it by it's 'neck' and the python still trying to bite into the hero's head.

Rogue dived forward to help, but was suddenly attacked by a large panther. She got tackled down and the panther kept trying to sink it's teeth into her. "Alright, kitty. Time for nap time." she, with little effort, threw the panther off of her and into a tree.

She looked back at Spider-Man to find that he was still trying to hold the python back, but it was beginning to twist and tangle around him. It was going to strangle him.

Rogue pushed herself towards them, but she was then grabbed onto by her foot. She was thrown off into a tree, crashing right through it with a loud grunt. Spider-Man looked at where she had crashed, "Rogue!" He looked at what he saw throw Rogue caught sight of a large grizzly bear with 2 other panthers at it's side. Now that he got a somewhat clear sigh, he noticed something metallic on their necks. It looked like a collar. 

He didn't have time to think anymore as he felt the snake tightening around him. He still luckily kept the snake far enough. He then finally held back the snake's head with one hand then punched it with his other fist. The snake loosened it's grip and he immediately jumped out of it.

Rogue flew out from the bushes she crashed into and pushed the bear into a tree, hard enough to do damage, but not enough to kill it. "I'm an activist I'd prefer to not do this." A panther then leaped for her and she quickly flew out of the way. 

Spider-Man flipped out of the way of one of the snake's bites and landed on a tree. He shot a couple of webs at it's body to keep it down, but it was too long and too relentless. "Always hate reptiles." His senses went haywire again and flipped off the tree, out of the way of a panther. "Where are these things coming from??" he questioned just as he flipped out of the way of the python's attack.

"They're savage!" She kicked another panther that was leaping at her just as another bit into her shoulder, making her yell out in pain. She threw it off of her and into another panther, "Least it ain't somethin' like dinosaurs." 

A panther quickly got on top of Spider-Man and he held him back by the neck. The panther kept trying to rip it's teeth into the masked hero. Spider-Man could overtake it, easily, but he didn't wanna hurt it. He noticed the collar around it's neck and ripped it straight off. And as if it was taken out of a trance, it stopped. The panther went from savage to tame. It got off the hero and stared at him as he got back up. The panther cocked it head at him, almost confused by what just happened then turned around and ran off into the jungle. "Rogue! The collar! It controls them!"

Rogue held back a bear by the neck, "Oh." she said and ripped it off with ease. The bear back off, all of a sudden tame, and made it way into the woods. She dusted her hands off, "Well that was easy." She looked over at her shoulder and saw it had little faint scratch marks. The piece of fabric at that spot also torn off. "You know how long this takes Beast to stitch up??" She heard growls from behind her and saw all the panthers now together, ready to attack. She crackled her knuckles and smirked, "Well, I'll make this quick then." And she charged at them.

Spider-Man got slapped away by the python's tail. He would've hit the tree, but he simply swung around it and shot himself back at the python and punched it right in the head, sending it flying into a tree itself. Spider-Man then quickly leaped at the snake's head and tore off the collar, "There we go. Now run along." He said as he stepped back. The snake began to raise itself back up. And Spider-Man stood proudly in front of it. But that began to change when he noticed the snake wasn't goin anywhere, just kept looking at him, rising and hissing. It's mouth began to open and hiss more as it stared at it's snack.

Spider-Man then quickly realized the danger, "Oh... So that's just your default setting, huh?"

Rogue threw the last collar on the ground, completely broken. She looked around and all the panthers, now completely free, ran off. She smiled, "Poor things." she said and stomped on the collar. "That seemed to be the last of 'em. How you doin'-" 

She turned around just as Spider-Man swung past her with the python chasing him, "NOT VERY WELL!" Rogue launched into the air so the python couldn't get her as he swung up to the branch of a tree. The python leaped towards the arachnid-hero, but was suddenly pulled back down. It turned around and found Rogue holding it back. It let out a loud hiss and she launched into the sky.

"Darlin', you don't deserve to be a wonder of the world." She began spinning around with the python. When she gained enough momentum, she let go and threw the python far off into the distance.

She lowered back to the ground beside Spider-Man, who was checking a scratch he got on his leg from one of the panthers, "Did you know I hate the jungle?" 

Suddenly, the 2 of them then heard Miss Martian's voice in their head, "Link Established."

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