Chapter 18

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When Roman left Bailey's apartment, he was feeling all sorts of ways. Derek was just Ruby's puppet! he thought. Roman had Stephen find some dirt on Derek and he found a lot! He was known to be a kiss-ass, but somehow everyone around adored him, even that stupid Bailey!

He left her all alone in his own apartment with a total stranger!! And she claims he loves her! What an idiot!

Roman was also annoyed at himself, mad at the way he behaved. He would never do that to any person, specially a women. But Bailey just turned him into this person, which he loathed.

He reached to his car, looking all worked up. Stephen, his bodyguard, opened the door but he didn't go inside. He just stood there, feeling completely exhausted.

But he had a plan! Meeting with Bailey, her reaction towards him, satisfied his hunger for revenge. Her last pillar of hope was Derek, and he knew exactly how to knock it down.


Bailey was cooking dinner, she was acting as normal as she can be, but on the inside there a storm raging. She wanted to distract herself.


She had not even touched any baking supplies since her mother passed away, but today, she felt like baking her favourite ones, simple vanilla shortcake with sprinkles. She simply smiled at the thought of her mother's reaction if she had made just the way she liked.

She decided to go outside and buy the supplies for it.

"Derek, I want to bake some cupcakes today, so I am gonna get some supplies."


The evening in the city was bustling with traffic, people crossing roads, someone was walking with a dog, the sun was setting which was getting blocked by a big building but Bailey was feeling a lot better. She was walking in the street after 2 weeks and she could feel the heart of the city at the moment. Unknowingly, her feet took her to the old  bakery which she had to sell, but she didn't mind, one look at the bakery will give her immense healing power for the year!

But her eyes almost popped out of the sockets, with shock and grief, when she saw ruins instead of her old bakery! The building had been torn down, there left nothing but remains of it, new construction material lied on the nearby property.

What the hell happened here!

Bailey didn't know that she was sobbing, her hands clutched her chest, her sobs were loud, but not loud enough to attract anybody's attention or people just didn't care. There she was crying in front of her shattered dream while people kept walking around her.

What Bailey didn't know that Roman was informed that she had left the apartment and he was already sitting in a car nearby, watching her break down.

A thin smile rested on his lips, but this smile was deceiving! His logical brain was satisfied with what he was watching but his heart was feeling heavy, as if he wanted to go there and cry with her. But Bailey must feel this! This feeling of emptiness, feeling of loosing your reason for existence!

Roman got out of the car and walked towards Bailey who was  standing there like a statue, still sobbing but the sobs had quiet down.

"I never liked that ugly design of the building."

Bailey turned around to see Roman and spoke,

"You did this!?"

"Yes, of-course."

Suddenly Bailey was not herself.  Fury flashed in her eyes, those empty and sad eyes from before were now filled with pure hatred and anger.

She quickly went close to him and grabbed him by his collar, bringing him to her eye level and spoke,


Roman was taken aback by this. Whenever he saw Bailey, her eyes looked sad, innocent, vulnerable but currently, she looked like she wanted his head chopped off, served on a platter.

Instead of getting angry, Roman looked directly in Bailey's eyes. He smirked and spoke in an amusing tone,

"I did that because I hate the things you like. "

"Really!?? HAH!!! What if I say I like you???! Will you destroy yourself the way you destroyed MY BAKERY!!" Bailey gripped his collar a little tighter.

But Roman looked relaxed and amused, although clearly not expecting her reaction. He thought she might get a panic attack like the one she had in the courtroom, but no, she surprised him. This somehow was exciting for him. The more tough she gets, the more angry she gets, the more fun it would be for Roman to break her.

Bailey was squeezing his collar with her might but Roman took his hands, covered Bailey's hands and swiftly removed from his collar. The top button of his shirt came undone and  fell on the street. Somehow Bailey could hear it, despite city's traffic and people. Roman was now holding Bailey's both hands with his, but suddenly he gripped them too tightly and spoke,

"You know what Miss Bailey! I am already destroyed. By you. If you haven't killed the love of my life, I would have been saved. You have already ruined me! ME! Roman Carter! Do you even know who I am?!!"

Bailey had a shocked expression on her face, she was now scared but she didn't want to show him that, but she was not too good at that. She looked around for a second, there were people walking around them, surely someone would help! She looked at Roman again but was loss for words. She wanted to scream at him that she was not a murderer! She was not a cold hearted person! But she couldn't! She could never do that to Derek.

"What happened? You have got nothing to say now?"

Bailey had enough, she freed her hands from him grip angrily and spoke,

"YOU are a sick and a vile person, Roman. You are right! I don't know who you are but I DON'T CARE! Oh! But I do know that YOU harass other people just because you don't like them! YOU don't know anything about me or my situation !YOU call me a murderer despite the fact that I was found not guilty! YOU have made your own conclusions! What does that make you, huh?"

Upon hearing her words, Roman roughly held her by grabbing her right elbow and spoke,

"Not. A. Murderer! I didn't have to make any conclusions because you know that you did it! Let me make one promise to you Bailey, either you will accept in front of the police that you killed my Alyssa or I will kneel in front of you begging for your forgiveness that I was wrong!!!" He spoke the last sentence with a mocking tone filled pure hatred.

"As I said earlier, don't roam around in the city so freely as if you did nothing wrong!" He spoke while getting in her face but Bailey knew by now that she was not going to break in front of this man! She maintained the eye contact and spoke,

"Me and parents in heaven know the real truth, and trust me that is enough for me! I don't care about your promise but I do know you will regret this one day."

Roman got dangerously close to her, their lips nearly touched while he spoke,

"I will regret this?!"

"Yes. You will regret your behaviour one day, Roman. Doing any of this will never make you happy."

Roman was glaring at her, so  close to her, but her words were getting to his nerves,

I will regret!! I will not be happy!

Roman roughly let go of Bailey's hand and moved back a little.

"My happiness went away with Alyssa. Now, what I have left is hatred for you. I am not gonna let you off the hook so easily."

Bailey decided to leave this area and this conversation when she started to notice the rush and crowd around had reduced. It started to get dark and she didn't want to be in the dark out there with Roman.
She didn't reply anything to him and turned around to walk away. But Roman was fast. He caught her by the hand and spoke,

"Remember my words and don't cross my path again. Get it?"

Roman abruptly let go of her hand and left, leaving Bailey behind, in-front of the remains of bakery. She had lost the appetite and her wish to make cupcakes again.


Hey guys!  Please let me know how do you like the story so far.❤️💕

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