Chapter 13

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One week had passed since Bailey's mother's funeral was held. Bailey didn't remember what she did since her mother died. She was lying in bed, looking straight at the ceiling. Her mind was blank, complete devoid of any thoughts.
She was at Derek's apartment. He had really been the support she needed at that time. He managed everything, including the funeral. She didn't know what she would do without him.
Derek had gone to work and Bailey was alone in the big apartment. She had never felt so lonely in her life despite Derek being there. The bakery, her house and her mother; she lost everything in such a short period of time that she couldn't wrap her head around it.
Her phone rang and she turned her head around to look at it. When she saw who was calling, she quickly got up to receive the call,


"Hello, is this Bailey Adams?"


"Ms. Adams, you have to report at the police station tomorrow at 2 pm for interrogation process."


"Yes, we'll see you there."
The call was hung on the other side and Bailey's mind was racing.

That woman! She died! She didn't deserve to die!

These past weeks have made her realise how fast life can change. Few weeks ago, she had everything and now, she lost everything close to her. But why? Why did it happen to her?

Why me? She thought.

Next day, Bailey took a cab and reached the police station. She found herself once again sitting in that same room. Investigator was sitting in front of her, a bottle of water sat on the big table, nothing else and Bailey sat still. Eveeything about that space made her feel eztremely small. She hared that feeling. He eyes were looking down at her hands, thinking about what she would do with her life without her mother and without the bakery.

"Miss Bailey, I still believe you are hiding something. You realise we have enough evidence against you right?"
Bailey sat in silence, her mind was racing with a million thoughts at the same time.

How will I pay the rest of the debt? How will I get the bakery back?

"Miss Bailey, I need you to look at me while we talk."

Derek has been a great help but I can't live like a burden on him. Why does he have to suffer with me? I have nothing to do anyway.
Emptiness. That's what she felt. Nothing could fill that emptiness in her heart. Memories were not enough for her, she wanted to hug her mother, to hold her, to be with her in the bakery when they make sweet cupcakes again.

"Miss Bailey!" Prosecutor tapped on the table which broke her chain of thoughts and she was roughly brought back to reality.

"I am sorry." she spoke in a little voice.

"You are here because you are the prime suspect Ms Bailey. You have to pay attention to what I say and what you say. Your lack of attention can land you in a big trouble, you have to understand that. " he spoke softly which brought tears in Bailey's eyes.

She had enough. The investigator had been constantly asking the same questions over and over again and Bailey felt tired. She felt tired to speak, even to breathe.

"I am asking you once gain, Ms. Bailey. Are you sure you are not missing anything? You really have no idea how your car got damaged?"

Bailey looked at him, tears flowing from her eyes. She decided to end it, for good. She had no physical and mental strength to do this over and over gain.

"My car was damaged because of the accident." she spoke with her lips trembling and tears flowing down her eyes.

The prosecutor shifted in his chair to come closer,

"The accident?" Investigator asked but Bailey quietly wept, trembling in the chair.

"Tell me about this accident Bailey." Investigator spoke while giving her some tissue and she spoke,

"I think my car hit the woman. But it was an accident. I didn't do anything wrong. "
Bailey didn't realise that she was sobbing, her tears falling on the table as she bent her head down. The investigator decided to stop the interview and slowly got up to leave. The case was now ready to present on court.

Roman was having lunch with his family. Every since his return, he has been eating with them. As usual, his father spoke nothing but he was glad to have his family back. Roman had received the legal documents of the company as his father has promised. He resumed his work and Arthur was elated. Only Roman knew his body had returned, his soul had left with Alyssa. He had become so cold toward the others that they fear to approach or talk to him. He had become quieter and a little more lonely. His entire family was there with him but he never felt any good. He wanted Alyssa back and that was impossible.

Though he was least interested in other people and couldn't bear them for even a minute but this person sitting next to him was unbearable. Ruby Johnson was speaking, a little too much for his liking, was constantly trying to catch his attention but Roman avoided her the whole time. He wanted to get out of there but he was trapped in this marriage contract. He could not tolerate her for few hours. The idea of staying married to her felt impossible to him.
No way he was going to marry her. He would soon find someway to get the shares and this act would be over!

Roman's phone rang and he excused himself despite seeing her mother trying to protest.

"Hello, Boss. I have a news regarding Bailey Adams."


"She has reported about the accident but not completely, she is still claiming her innocence."

Innocent! Bullshit!!
He clenched the phone so hard that his knuckles turned white.

"Is it enough to arrest her?"

"Yes, boss. It is."

"Where is she, now?"

"She is there at the police station."

Roman hung up the phone and quickly left the house. He drove straight to the police station.
He rushed inside but he didn't even know why he was there. He wanted to be happy, now that she was going to be arrested but it sadly couldn't bring him anyhappiness in reality. No matter what he do, Alyssa will never come back.

Few minutes later, Roman was sitting on a chair in a room, waiting for someone. The door opened and Bailey stepped inside, accompanied by a female officer

"Five minutes." The officer spoke and left.

Bailey stood at the exact same spot, her eyes open wide in shock. When she was told someone was there to meet her she thought it would be Derek. She had no idea this person would be waiting for her.

"I've heard that you are going to jail." he said in a calm yet mocking tone but Bailey had never felt so uncomfortable in her whole life. She didn't know what to say to this stranger who hated her. His reason for hatred was evident but she knew she didn't deserve it. She stood still, not looking at him but her head hung down.

"Stay in jail, Bailey Adams. Otherwise I'll make your life a living hell outside. " he spoke menacingly looking directly at her.
Bailey looked up meeting his eyes and he was taken aback. Her eyes were sad and teary, as if she really was innocent and also felt sorry for his loss. He wanted to see guilt of killing an innocent on her face and fear of going to jail but all he saw was sadness.
He got up from the chair to leave and she spoke,

"I am sorry..." but he didn't stop to listen her words. He couldn't bear to see her face.

How are you all doing? I hope you are doing well.... let me know if you are liking the story so far😄😄😄

Updating soon

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