Chapter 5

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Roman was woke up by loud ringing sound coming from his phone. He didn't want to get up yet. His phone rang continously and he pushed himself to reach for it. He tried to see on screen but was too sleepy. He received the phone to hear a shaky voice coming from other side.

"Boss!" It was Stephen. Roman's bodyguard and a an assistant. He was intelligent, smart and the most trustworthy person in Roman's life.

Roman abruptly got up from the bed when he heard Stephen's shaky voice. Roman looked at his bed only to realise Alyssa was not there. He could feel fear growing inside him.
He looked around his room. It was awfully quiet.
Stephen's voice was heard,

"Boss, you have to come to the hospital. Right now!"

Roman's heart started beating very fast. He didn't realise he was breathing heavily when he spoke,

"What happened!? "

His family was flashing in front of his eyes but he brushed away all the negative thoughts away. His eyes were still looking for Alyssa in the room. Maybe she is in the bathroom he thought.

"Boss, it's about Ms. Alyssa. "

Roman's heart stopped beating for a second and he froze. Fear turned into a huge monster inside him and he quickly got up from the bed, grasped his keys and left the penthouse.

"Stephen, what happened? "
Thousands of questions were running in his mind. Just now, Alyssa was sleeping beside him, how could she end up in the hospital? Maybe her family member was there?

Stephen gave him the location and Roman quickly got in the car and drove away.
His heart was still beating very fast and tears were threateninging to spill any second. But he was confused. Why he wanted to cry? There is nothing wrong. Everything is fine.
Roman reached the hospital and rushed inside. He saw Stephen at the entrance. He looked tired and sad.

Before Roman could say anything, Stephen started walking across the hallway and he followed him. Roman saw that they were approaching emergency room and Stephen stopped.
He didn't say anything but only motioned his hand indicating Roman to go inside.
Roman's heart was beating so fast that his hands were shaking while opening the door.
He pushed the door open to see a body covered in sheets that he never wanted see and two nurses standing near it, writing something or speaking something, Roman didn't pay attention. His eyes were fixed on the body. Suddenly someone spoke,

" Are you a family member?"

" You have to recognise the body before we proceed further."

"Excuse me? Sir?"

"Excuse me, are you alright?"

Roman couldn't hear anyone at that moment. He felt numb but wanted to see who it was. Why Stephen wanted him to see a dead body. He didn't want to think negative but his mind knew what had happened. His heart was looking for Alyssa.
Alyssa, where are you?

Roman approached hesitantly. He realised that he knew that person. He couldn't believe his eyes. He quickly went near to see the face.

NO! This can't be happening?

Alysaa! My Alyssa!

Roman didn't even realise when he started screaming or crying but when Stephen was holding on to him, he looked around.
What happened? He looked again at the body and gave up all his hope. He fell on the floor sobbing, his entire face filling with tears.

Why Alyssa? Why did you leave me? I asked you to stay!
He took her lifeless face in his hands and gently stroked her face as if she was sleeping.
For a moment, he thought she was smiling at him. He saw her face covered with bruises and a fury filled inside him reaching his eyes.

He shouted, "HOW?" Everyone around him startled but remained silent.
Roman saw nothing but blood at that moment. He wanted to hurt someone. Doesn't matter who it was. He would kill the person with his bare hands who was responsible for Alyssa's death.

Stephen put his hand on his shoulder and spoke,

"I will explain you everything, Boss. Please be strong."
Roman couldn't control his tears and wept. Stephen had never seen him cry, nobody had. But right now, Roman was not only devasted, he was dying inside. One person who was constant in his life, who he had loved so much, was now gone.
Alyssa was gone and she can never come back.


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