Chapter 11

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When Roman left the bakery, his blood was still boiling. He finally met the person who had killed his love.
How could someone with such an innocent face could possibly do such a thing! He kept thinking when he saw her for the first time.

He tried his best not to kill that girl himself at that moment. It was unbearable for him to stand near her.

He was still annoyed at the fact that Bailey was not accepting that she ran away after hitting Alyssa, but in his heart he had declared her the murderer. And he wanted justice for Alyssa and  to reduce some pain in his heart.

When Stephen gave him the file containing details about the cars, he send one of his man to keep an eye on Bailey and report every single detail. He found out she had a bakery, was living with her mother, her boyfriend worked at Johnson's and she dropped her car at the garage for repairing.
He gathered all the current information about her, not concerning about anything else. He didn't want her to run away. She had to stay to bear the consequences of the action she did.

Roman was still in his office, he had not worked in two weeks. Work was piling up and his father was disappointed that his hard working son had become completely useless.

"Sir, Mr. Jackson is here to see you."

"Send him in. "

The district attorney was welcomed by Roman.

"Welcome, Mr. Jackson. Please have a seat. "

"Thank you, Mr. Carter. "

They sat across each other and the prosecutor handed him a flash drive.

"It has the defendant's latest statement and all the interrogation. I did as you asked. "

"And I can't thank you enough Mr. Jackson. My gratitude will be transferred to your bank account very soon."
Roman continued, "But, the work is still not done, Mr. Jackson."

"Don't worry, Mr. Carter. Our case is very strong. All the evidences are enough to prove Bailey Adams guilty. I just need your full support."

Roman nodded his head, thinking about something.

"What about the defence lawyer?"

Stephen, who standing quietly spoke,

"Sir, Bailey Adams has recently sold her property to pay for her mother's surgery. She also has some debt so she won't be able to afford a lawyer."

"Mr. Carter. I think I might know who would be the public prosecuter." The attorney looked at Roman, probably thinking about all the money he was going to make from this case.

"I'd like to talk with him too. Whoever gets appointed. But when is she getting arrested?"

"As soon as the money is.. "

Roman interrupted Ralph in mid sentence,

"You don't have to worry about your money. It will be transferred tomorrow.  Just make sure she in jail for a long time."

Ralph assured Roman and he left. Roman didn't care about any details. He wanted to give justice to Alyssa and that too very soon.

"Stephen, find out to whom Bailey sold her property."

"Yes, Boss."


Roman was sitting in his home bar, drinking whiskey in the middle of the day, even though he didn't like it, thinking about everything that has happened in just few days. Images of Alyssa's beautiful face and then her lifeless body lying on that cold hospital bed kept flashing in front of his eyes. His eyes filled with tears everytime he thought of her but then suddenly his thoughts were mixed with his interaction with Bailey. When he saw her first, he couldn't see anything but everything at the same time. Her face, small stature, her eyes, everything felt hateful to him. He gripped the glass too tightly when he thought of her.
He needed to send her to jail or else he would die thinking that he couldn't bring justice to Alyssa.

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