Chapter 23

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Bailey found herself standing in front of an old but well maintained apartment building. After she left the hotel, she took a cab and immediately went to Derek's place. The cab ride  felt so slow and fast to her, she just sat there silently crying. She had never packed so quickly in her life, even though she had almost nothing, but still, she didn't leave a single piece of her belonging there.

Her family had an old apartment in this old Meadow building but it was not in a good condition. Her father's half sister was the owner but after she passed away,  it went to her father. This apartment was way too costly for anyone to buy but way too shabby for anyone to rent. When she opened the door, the musty smell and the darkness made it seem like a horror house. She broke down crying, crouching down with her head down on her knees.

When did it become so hard? Why does it have to happen to me!

--------------------- 3 MONTHS LATER-------------

Bailey was having a quick lunch break with her colleague Trisha and were busy discussing about the new project they were assigned.
Life has finally come around for Bailey. She was finally able to get this junior consultant job in a beautiful office. Despite this job was tiring and hours were too long, the money she was getting was good. She was still living in the old apartment but she grew to love it. It took little by little time to make it better but she finally had a home of her own.
Surprisingly, Derek had not tried to contact her at all. She was hurt and disappointed. Maybe she never knew him, she thought. Roman Carter had never contacted her either and she was relieved.

"So you're actually gonna come to work this weekend?" Trisha spoke while taking a bit bite of her sandwich.

"I have to! I still haven't compiled the report yet. You know that boss is retiring, right? I don't want to embarrass myself on his last project." Bailey interjected.

Bailey was a hard working employee, besides work she had nothing else to do. She had stopped baking altogether.

"Alright. As you wish. But you're gonna miss out on the party though. Roman Carter is gonna be there! I have to see him in person."
Upon listening Roman's name, fear inflicted in Bailey. When she found out Roman owned this company, it was too late for her to reject this job, she had finally cleared the interview and was getting a good pay. There were no answers from other companies and she had no choice.
But thankfully, Roman was never here. He was busy managing his other companies, or so she had heard from office gossips but this was the annual party he was throwing. It was going to be magnificent  party with a lot of important and influential people, exquisite food and drinks, but Bailey would rather leave the job than go to that party. It was held at the same hotel where Derek took her. Derek had ruined it for her.

Besides she was afraid of Roman. He was a dangerous man and Bailey knew better to keep away from him.

On Saturday, Bailey still reached the office early. Sometimes she liked to work on the weekends as nobody would be there, she could play songs, feel free. Office never felt like office on the weekends.
Bailey spent the day mostly  getting her work done, beautiful melody from her cubicle filled the room and she didn't realise it was 7 pm. She was finally done with her work and went to the bathroom quickly before getting off from work. She was packing her stuff when she heard the door opening.

"I am leaving, Mr. Jones. I am sorry, I know it's Saturday." Bailey spoke thinking it was that guard who usually came up to check but it was not him.
'Everything I do' was still playing on her phone, but her eyes were focused on the entrance. Mr. Jones would normally response but the footsteps moved away from her and went to the direction of the other room.
She picked up the phone and her other stuff and was leaving when she heard the footsteps again.
She saw Roman enter, shocking her.

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