Chapter 4

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Derek checked time in his phone. 1:30 am. He had made up his mind. He can't give up on his perfect life and decided this is the last thing he will do for Ruby.
Suddenly his phone rang with a notification sound.
Now that he had made up his mind, how would he breakup with Bailey was the question. He had to do it today somehow. Another notification sound rang on his phone and echoed in the room and then another one.

When he read those messages, he got the shock of his life! He couldn't believe what he was reading.

With trembling feet Derek went to check up on Bailey. She was sound asleep. He felt a sense of longing looking at her sleeping face. How will he ever say sorry for breaking her trust?
Bailey frowned in sleep and turned around. Derek was startled, but Bailey didn't get up. He saw her purse sitting in the night stand near the bed.

"Bailey! Bailey, listen!"
Bailey was hungover and struggled to open her eyes.

"Relax, just tell me where your car keys are. I don't have gas in mine and I have to drop my colleague off. "

Bailey lazily spoke, " In my bag."
She tried to get up but Derek made her go back to sleep. She was very tired and quickly felt back to sleep again.
Derek took the car keys from her purse and quietly closed the door behind him.

He got inside the car and re-read those texts on the phone with horror which were sent by Ruby.


Roman was sleeping like a baby beside Alyssa when she decided to leave.
'Just Stay With Me!' those words kept ringing in her ears but she couldn't let Roman suffer because of her. She quietly got up from the bed. She decided to leave everything for Roman's happiness, even him. She had written a letter explaining him why it was better for her to leave. She didn't want to become the reason for breaking his family. She placed the letter slowly under his pillow and kissed his forehead.

"Goodbye, Roman. I'll always love you."

She exited the penthouse and was now walking on the street. It had stopped raining and weather was a little chilly. She wrapped her arms around herself and decided not to think about it too much. She kmew Roman will do everything to find her but she didn't want him to find her this time. She wanted to vanish.

She took a cab and decided to visit a quiet place. There was a cafe which served hot coffee which she liked a lot and decided to have a cup before leaving New York.
It suddenly started raining when Alyssa got off from taxi and she sprinted to find a place to protect her from rain.

Suddenly, a car came in her direction with a very fast speed and Alyssa couldn't see as the lights from the headlights of that car blinded her.


Derek was sitting inside the car and his hand clutched the phone too tightly while he read Ruby's message.

"I think I've just hit someone by my car. Come get me soon. Now! I am sending the location."

And then he read another message that was sent by her,

"Bring Bailey's car. DO IT AS I SAY. I MEAN IT!"


Derek took a sharp breath and grabbed the steering wheel tightly. No thoughts of his could be heard by his own soul and he started the car.
The rain was pouring again and his mind was thinking million things.

Ruby was driving her car way too fast in the narrow streets, not caring about anything at all. He mind was full of Derek. Why such a low life, good for nothing guy was everything to her! She was obsessed with him. What made him so attractive was even unknown to her but she knew only one thing, if she wanted something, she must have it and this time it was Derek. She was gripping the wheel way too tight suddenly and increased the speed of the car while looking straight ahead. The street was very quiet but suddenly a loud noise filled the air. He car collided with something or someone, she didn't knew. Her car skid on watery road and she pushed the breaks hard as if she was going to break it! What just happened!

Alyssa's body was hit by the car violently when she about to cross the street, she flew high and then landed hard on the windshield, cracking the glass in the middle and then she fell down right in the middle of the street. Ruby backed up the car, looked out of the window and found a girl's lifeless body on the ground. She didn't waste a single second and immediately texted someone and drove even faster to leave the scene.
Few minutes later, a taxi passed by. The driver saw someone's lying in a pool of blood. He quickly got out of the car, looking here and there trying to make sense out of the situation and dailed 911. Suddenly another car came screetching on the road and stopped abruptly. Taxi driver saw someone wearing a raincoat on the driver's seat but couldn't see their face because of the darkness. The person inside the car could see a lifeless body on the ground.

"Hi, hey, you there! I need a little help please"
He spoke but that car reversed and left quickly. The diver thought it was weird and he was left standing there confused.

It had stopped raining. The streets were reflecting lights of the city in the water accumulated in the puddle. Voices of sirens from ambulance and police vehicles filled the surrounding. It was not a crowded place hence the silence felt dangerous and the night grew darker.


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