Sudden Changes

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The afternoon rains were soaking into the land as Nuri carefully crushed and mixed the separate parts of the plants. She had tightly woven a large basket and filled it with water, to which she added the crushed leaves and stems. To Jack's amazement, the water changed color and he realized she was going to dye the clothing. Fascinated, he sat watching as she dipped sections of clothing in the basket. Nuri added more root to the water, dipping another section in, rubbing the flower petals across the leggings and her dress, rubbing in some sort of pattern.

When at last she was finished her hands were stained several deep colors of yellow, blue, and red, but the clothes looked wonderful. Somehow, the bright colors blended just right and were not overwhelming or garish. The black hide was unchanged, but the white hair was now beautifully dyed. She set them to dry next to the fire on wooden branches she had set up and then began scrubbing her hands in clean water.

"I didn't hear you get up last night." He said it softly though the thought had been on his mind for some time. Nuri paused for half an instant before resuming her cleaning. "You know I don't mind, it's just, you've always kept your distance, and I thought it was...unusual." This remark met with silence, so he persisted.

"At first I thought it was the cold, but the wood for the fire was closer to you so that could not be it, then I remembered the tiger, and thought, 'that's it, she's afraid of him.' So I look over there just now and see that your bed is still next to mine, and then I have to wonder, 'I don't know Jack, maybe she just likes you'." He saw her face flush a deep red and smiled.

Getting her to talk when she did not want to was extremely challenging, but always rewarding when he hit the mark. She finished her hands and dried them on the fringe of her tunic. Her cheeks were still a bright hue of pink but she lifted her head slightly.

"I was hoping that if the tiger came here and I was behind you he'd eat you first."

For a moment, Jack sat unbelievingly, then burst into laughter. He had never heard her try to be funny before and her delivery in English was perfect. He could not stop himself and tears came to his eyes as he roared with mirth, throwing his head back. Watching him was contagious, and Nuri began to smile, then laugh. The more he laughed the more she did until they were both flat on the cave floor wiping tears from their eyes.

"My God, I haven't laughed like that in ages!" Lantern lay relaxed, hands resting on his stomach as he looked over at her. She smiled, her eyes fixed on the ceiling.

"It felt good. I cannot remember when last I laughed."

"Who knew you could tell a joke! You've been holding out on me."

She giggled a little and rolled over to face the fire, her head resting on her hand.

"I have not felt like laughing until I met you. I thank you for that Jack." His response was the slow smile that she had come to love. Suddenly shy, she turned away. "Are you hungry?"


The roasted tapir was delicious for Nuri had found some spices for flavoring, pounding down some roots into something like grain to make flatbread so Lantern found himself wolfing the food down like a starving waif. She had called the spices ketumbar, cengkeh, and jahe (coriander, clove, and ginger). Fruit and wild nuts accompanied the meal along with large skins of cold water and hot tea made from a combination of tree bark and herbal flowers.

Sitting back after the meal, enjoying a sense of tranquility and rare peace Lantern was starting to doze off when he heard a slight scuff at the cave entrance and Nuri's frightened gasp. Sitting up his hand on the blade of his knife Lantern's eyes settled on the Tiger, who appeared like mist just outside the circle of firelight.

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