Out of Time

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"Jack!" A voice laced with fear pulled him from a sound sleep. Fully awake Lantern sat up, glancing at Gesang. One look was enough. Slipping from bed, he took up his ivory spear as they moved from the cave to speak. The morning air was crisp, the snap of it tingling against his skin. Around them, the valley residents were just beginning to stir as the sun peeked over the treetops.

Gesang tried to hide his alarm, but Jack could feel it radiating from him. The Anaiya were here.

"Where are they?"

"At the falls just outside the valley. I left before sunrise to find how close they were. Rhamat knows someone is with you, but he does not yet suspect I or Nuri's willing involvement." Gesang paced in agitation. "I overheard him say he means to take you by surprise, either an ambush just outside or take you here, in the valley. He wants his daughter back."

"She is mine!" Lantern's snarl was savage.

"When he finds out she is your woman...Jack...it will become very bad."

Lantern's heart slowed to a steady beat, his body already preparing for battle. Tactical, his mind discarded everything but survival. There was no time for fear, doubt, or delay. They must move now. He gestured toward the ledge above them, his voice low.

"Are they all here?"

"Yes. Although they are separated into three camps. Rahmat takes the lead position closest to the valley."

"What about your way out?"

The young man's face fell a little, his eyes downcast. He shook his head slightly, not meeting Lantern's eyes.

"It will not work, Jack. The rope will not support any great weight. We are trapped here."

"You are not to blame, Gesang. It was worth a try." Lantern gripped the Hunter by his shoulder, offering comfort to him the only way he knew how.

"What are we going to do?"

"Fight if we have to, hide when we can." Jack's response left no room for cowardice, for the fire blazing in his fierce blue eyes was nearly feral. "If they want us, they will have to pay in blood."

The atmosphere in the cave was hushed, for they could feel the presence of the Hunters who waited just outside the valley. Nuri was afraid but tried her best not to show it as she packed their things for easy travel. Gesang buried his anxiety under a false sense of calm, keeping busy by helping her. Lantern was the only one not afraid. The time had come, and he had been preparing his mind for many weeks.

Watching his wife and brother worry, trying to stay calm, filled him with anger. They wanted nothing but peace, but the hands of their own people denied them. Getting to his feet, Jack took the thick ivory spear in his hands and looked over to where they sat, mutely watching. Nuri's eyes were wide. He spoke tenderly to her.

"Stay here. Gesang, come with me."

Moving quickly to the base of the slope leading out of the valley Lantern moved with bold sureness. Gesang followed close behind, wondering what they were up to. Reaching the small opening Lantern turned to him, his deep voice a whisper.

"Wait for me here, and no matter what happens, let no one past you. Do you understand, Gesang? No one." The young Hunter nodded solemnly, blade in hand, eyes bright with determination.

"None will pass, I swear it."

"Good. I should be back soon."

Gesang watched as Lantern moved deeper into the cave, toward the passage that led to the outside world. Then the shadows swallowed him and Gesang stood alone. He stayed where he was, his eyes searching the shadows at the back of the cave, looking for any movement, alert to every sound. It seemed like an eternity but at last slight scuffing on the cave floor announced the arrival of someone. Gesang braced himself, lifting the blade into position.

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