Second Sons Part 3

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Yunkai Daenerys camp

Davion Baratheon. That was all Daenerys had on her mind. What was it about him that made her surrender. She think of him everyday for the last two weeks. He was kind, handsome and strong. The only thing that angered her about him was the fact that that he guarded his heart. Even though she understood that he wasn't ready to talk about what happened to him, she wanted help him.

She was taking a bath and to distract herself from Davion, or try to, she spoke to Missandei. "Nineteen?"

"Yes your grace." Missandei said.

"How can one person speak nineteen languages?" Daenerys asked.

"It only took your grace a year to learn Dothraki reasonably well." She said.

"Yes, well, it was either learn Dothraki or grunt at my husband and hope..." Daenerys paused. "What do you mean 'reasonably well'?"

"Dothraki is a difficult for the mouth to master," Missandei said. "So guttural and harsh."

"Drogo said I spoke Dothraki like one born to it." Daenerys said in Dothraki. "It gave him pride."

"Athjahakar." Missandei said.

"Athjahka." Daenerys tried.

"Ath-ja-hakar." Missandei tried again.

"Athjahakar." Daenerys got it right this time. I suppose I'm out of practice.

"Your High Valyrian is very good, your grace." Missandei said. "The gods could not devise a more perfect tongue. It is the proper language for poetry." Missandei went to get more water.

"How may languages does Davion speak?" Daenerys asked as she was relaxed in her bathtub and closed her eyes. She then heard Missandei gasp and quickly turned and saw a man in Unsullied armor holding a dagger to Missandeis neck.

"No screaming or she dies." He said. The man slowly removed the helmet and it was revealed to be Dario Naharis.

"What do you want?" Daenerys asked.

"You." Dario said and suddenly he felt cold steel against his neck.

"Let her go, and drop your weapon." Davion demanded and Daenerys smirked.

"Try not to scream, lovely girl." Dario said and he let Missandei go and dropped his dagger.

"Give me one good reason I should kill you where you stand?" Davion asked.

"How did you get here so fast?" Daenerys asked. "How did you know he would come?"

"I went for a walk and found one of our men dead and his armor removed." Davion said. "His man, the Titans Bastard. I defeated him with ease and immediately rushed to check on you."

Daenerys was happy that Davion was there for her. She then looked at Dario. "You were sent to kill me?" Dario chuckled and Davion wrapped his arm around his neck. "So why haven't you, since you posed as one of my men?" Dario tapped Davions forearm. "Let him go Davion."

Davion did what he was told and Dario gasped and coughed as he collected himself.  "Because I don't want to."

"What did your captains have to say about that since one of them tried to kill Davion?" Daenerys asked and everyone in the room could hear the anger in Daenerys' voice.

"Since Mero was killed by Davion," Dario said as he removed his bag. "Why don't you ask Prendahl." When the bag dropped on the ground it opened to reveal Prendahls severed head.

"Why?" She asked.

"We had...philosophical differences." Dario responded.

"About what?" Davion asked.

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