Bound in Honor Part 1

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Kings Landing

Cersei's room

Cersei was in her nightgown and walked to her table and poured herself a glass of wine. She had just had sex with Euron Greyjoy to secure his allegiance to her as Queen.

"I wanted those elephants." Cersei said. The Golden Company arrived in Kings Landing and Cersei was unimpressed by what she had paid for.

"So how do I compare to the fat king?" Euron asked.

"You're insulting my late husband." Cersei said.

"Are you offended?" Euron inquired.

"Robert had a different whore every night, but he still didn't know his way around a woman's body." Cersei said.

"And the Kingslayer?" He asked and that triggered Cersei.

"You enjoy risking your neck, don't you?" She asked.

"Life's boring." Euron said.

"You're not boring, I'll give you that." Cersei said.

Euron walked to her. "Do I please the queen?" He asked.

"You might be the most arrogant man I've ever met. Surprisingly I like that." Cersei said.

He then put his hand on Cersei's stomach. "I'm going to put a prince in your belly."

"What did you do to my son?" She asked.

"I hurt him." Euron said. "For what it's worth I didn't know who he was at the time. I just saw a slave who needed to be put in his place."

"Davion is the only good thing that came from my marriage to Robert." Cersei said. "If you touch a hair on his head, I'll remove yours."

"Of course, your grace." Euron said. "He will come here if he survives in the North. He'll come for you."

"My children will choose me once they see how sorry I am for hurting them." Cersei said. "Now leave me. I want to be alone." Once Euron opened the door Qyburn was at the door. He then entered Cersei's room.

"Apologies for the late hour, your grace. I bring news." He said.

"Tell me." Cersei urged.

Qyburn sighed. "Prince Davion has wed Daenerys Targaryen at Winterfell."

"That whore! She seduces my son to turn against me and now he takes her as his wife!?" Cersei spat.

"There's more." Qyburn said. "The Volantene army have arrived on Dragonstone twenty thousand strong. They arrived under the command of prince Davion."

Cersei had a small smile on her face. "He's going to betray her. He brought his army here to help his mother, and take his place at my side as heir."

"Forgive me, your grace, but no." Qyburn said. "They stand with both prince Davion and Daenerys Targaryen. The army is there to protect the castle from invaders."

Cersei then threw her glass against the wall. "That dragon whore has gone to far! She will pay for manipulating my son and turning him against me! Get Bronn and tell him to go to Winterfell." She then walked to fetch a crossbow. The same one that Tyrion used to kill their father. "Give him this to give to my treasonous brothers."

Qyburn took the crossbow. "What of the Targaryen girl, your grace?"

Cersei smirked. "I have other plans for her, and when she's dealt with. When my son sees her for the monster that she is, Davion will come crawling back to me and as his mother, I will welcome him with open arms."

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