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Kings Landing - Small council chambers

Tyrion was summoned to the small council chambers after his walk with Sansa Stark. Even though he didn't love her, he did however enjoy her company. He walked in the council chambers and saw that all members, including King Joffery were present. As he walked to his seat he saw Joffery smiling like a little boy that got a new toy.

"Killed a few puppies today?" Tyrion asked as sat down.

"Show him," Joffery excitedly told Grandmaester Pycelle. "Come on, show him."

Grandmaester Pycelle slowly handed the letter to Tyrion and as he reached for it the Grandmaester dropped the letter which Tyrion knew it was on purpose.

"Oh, apologies, my Lord. Old fingers." Grandmaester Pycelle said and Tyrion sighed with irritation as he picked up the paper

"Roslin caught a fine fat trout," Tyrion started reading loudly. "Her brothers gave her a pair of wolf pelts for her wedding. Signed Walder Frey." As Tyrion was reading Joffery couldn't hold his excitement. "Is that bad poetry or is it supposed to mean something?" He asked.

"Robb Stark is dead," Joffrey said. "And his bitch mother." The king looked at the Grandmaester. "Write back to Lord Frey. Thank him for his service and command him to send Robb Starks head. I'm going to serve it to Sansa at my wedding feast."

"Your Grace," lord Varys spoke up. "Lady Sansa is your aunt by marriage."

"A joke," Cersei cut in. "Joffrey did not mean it."

"Yes I did." Joffrey said. "I'm going yo serve it to Sansa at my wedding feast."

"No," Tyrion spoke up. "She is no longer yours to torment."

"Everyone is mine to torment," Joffery said. "You'll do well to remember that, you little monster."

"Oh, a monster." Tyrion said. "Perhaps you should speak more softly then. Monsters are everywhere and just now kings are dying like flies."

Everyone in the council was silent, stunned by what Tyrion had said yo the king. Joffrey looked at his grandfather for some sign of support, and when none came, he looked at Tyrion.

"I could have your tongue out for saying that." The king said.

"Let him make his threats, hmm?" Cersei held her sons hand. "He's a bitter little man."

"Lord Tyrion should apologize immediately." Pycelle said. "Unacceptable, disrespectful, and in very bad taste."

Cersei was trying to calm her son down, but knew she failed when he forcibly removed his hand from hers. "I am the King! Joffrey shouted. I will punish you."

"Any man who must say 'I am the king', is no true king." Tywin cut in. "When your brother Davion was fostered at Casterly Rock I taught him this, but don't worry, I'll make sure you understand that when I win your war for you." No one except Varys noticed how Cersei looked down in guilt at the mention of Davions name.

"My father won the real war." Joffrey argued. "He killed Prince Rhaegar. He took the crown while you hid under Casterly Rock! My brother was nothing but a weakling and that's why I'm king and he is dead!" He shouted at his grandfather.

Once again the room was silent and everyone looked at Tywin, waiting for hom to react. It took all of Tyrions willpower to not jump over the table and strangle Joffrey for calling Davion a weakling. Even Cersei was disgusted by Joffrey at this point

"The king is tired," Tywin cooly said. "See him to his chambers."

Cersei sighed and rose from her chairs. "Come along."

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