Love and Betrayal

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Daenerys' room

It has been six months since Daenerys slept with Dario and Davion still didn't show any care to what the queen was doing. The more Daenerys tried, the colder Davion became. At the moment the only person she could talk to was Missandei.

Daenerys was braiding her hair. Missandei had told Daenerys that Grey Worm watched her as she was bathing in the river. "You think he was spying in you?" She asked.

"No, not spying." Missandei assured.

"The Dothraki think outsiders are ridiculous taking shame in the naked body." Daenerys said. "They make love under the stars for the whole khalasar to see."

"Yes, your grace." Missandei said.

"But you are not Dothraki." She said.

"No." Missandei said.

Daenerys sighed. "Well I don't see why it matters. Daenerys said. Grey Worm isn't interested. None of the Unsullied care what's under our clothes."

"He was interested." Missandei said.

"What?" Daenerys inquired.

"I believe he was interested." Missandei said.

"When the slavers castrate the boys, do they take all of it?" Daenerys asked.

"All of it?" Missandei inquired.

Daenerys sighed. "The pillar and the stones."

"I don't know, your grace." Missandei answered.

"Haven't you ever wondered?" She asked.

"Yes, your grace." She said.

"Has Davion ever been with someone other than the women who raped him?" Daenerys asked.

"Yes, your grace." Missandei was surprised that Daenerys knew about Davions rape, but she didn't question it. "Her name was Leona. She was born in Astapor as a slave. Master Kraznys sent her to Davion a day after his rape."

"Why?" Daenerys asked.

"As a reward for making Razdal and his wife happy, Master Kraznys gifted him a virgin." Missandei said.

"What did Davion do?" The Dragon Queen asked.

"He chased her away from his quarters. Master Kraznys did not like that so he had Davion whipped. One hundred lashes until he laid with her. I remember how he would only start crying in pain after the eightieth lash. Everyday for three months Davion would chase Leona away and for three months he would be whipped. One day I walked to the slave quarters to bring them bread and I found Davion laying in his quarters on his stomach while Leona tended to his wounds." Missandei said.

This brought Daenerys to tears. "What happened next?" She asked.

"She came to me and told me that her and Davion are talking more, but they never laid together. Three months later she came to me and said that she was with child...Davions child. They fell in love with each, but Leona knew that she couldn't hide her belly for long."She never told Davion, instead she ran away as fast as she could..." Missandei explained.

"Continue." Daenerys really wanted to know more about the first girl that Davion ever loved.

Missandei sighed. "She was caught by some men and brought before master Kraznys." Davion was brought in chains as well. "They told Davion that this was his punishment for making Leona pregnant, and they made him watch as they killed her."

"Who killed her?" Daenerys asked.

"I do not know his name, your grace, all I remember is that he was Westerosi and I remember his emblem on his coat. It was that of a kraken. I remember him declaring himself as the greatest captain of the fourteen seas and that he will take his place on the salt throne after he murders his brother." Missandei explained.

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