True to your Word

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Jon stood with his sisters and brother. Sansa and Arya wanted to speak with him about Daenerys and Davion, and he hoped that he could confide in them about his true identity.

"You understand we'd all be dead if not for then. We be corpses marching down to King's Landing." Jon pointed out.

"Davion is the one who killed the Night King." Sansa said.

"His men gave their lives defending Winterfell." Jon pointed out again.

"And we will never forget them. That doesn't mean that we want to kneel to Daenerys Targaryen." Sansa said. "You saw her in the council room. She's not far from becoming like her father...or worse."

"I swore myself and the North to their cause." Jon reminded Sansa.

"I respect that." Arya spoke up.

"You respect it?" Sansa asked in a surprising tone.

"We needed her. We needed her armies and her dragons." Arya said. "Without them, Davion and I would be dead as well." She looked at Jon. "You did the right thing. And we're doing the right thing by telling you we dont trust your queen."

"Is that what you would tell Davion?" Jon asked.

"That's the point. Davion isn't immortal. He can die, and then what would Daenerys do?" Arya asked. "My guess is that she would burn the realm to ashes."

"You don't know them like I do." Jon said.

"I'll never know them, there not one of us." Arya said.

"If you only trust the people you grew up with, you won't have many allies." Jon pointed out.

"That's alright. I don't need many allies." Arya said.

"Arya..." Jon tried to protest.

"We're family. Thr four of us. The last of the Starks." Arya stated.

Jon sighed. "I've never been a Stark."

"You are." Sansa said. "You're just as much Ned Starks child as any of us."

"You're my brother." Arya said. "Not my half-brother or my bastard brother. My brother."

Jon then looked at Bran. "It's your choice." The three-eyed raven said.

Jon sighed. "I need to tell you something, but you have to swear you'll never tell another soul."

"What is it?" Arya asked.

"You have to swear it before I tell you." Jon pressed.

"How can I promise to keep a secret if I don't even know what it is?" Sansa asked.

"Because we're family, and because it would destroy Davion if this information was heard by someone I don't trust." Jon said. "Swear it."

"I swear." Arya said without hesitation. Such was her love for her brother and her respect for Davion.

Jon then looked at Sansa, waiting for her response. "I swear it." Even though she slept with Sandor, Davion still had a place in her heart.

Jon then looked at Bran. "Tell them." Sansa and Arya turned to face Bran, and the three-eyed told them everything.

"I don't understand." Arya spoke up after Bran told them. "You said that this would destroy Davion if someone that you didn't trust heard it. What did you mean?" She asked.

Jon sighed and looked at Sansa, who was still in shock. "Daenerys is pregnant." Both Sansa and Aryas' eyes widened. "Davion is happy for the first time in... I don't know how long. I need you to keep this to yourselves. No one can know my true identity... no one."

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