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"You seem worried." Tyrion said. This morning Daenerys had woken up and Davion wasn't beside her. Her heart was racing and she wondered perhaps Davion left for Storm's End already. When she called Missandei to find out where Davion was she told the queen that Davion was helping talking to Jon.

"I have reason to be." Daenerys said. "Davion seems happy here."

"He was born here in Westeros." Tyrion pointed out. "It makes sense that he's familiar with everything."

Daenerys sighed. "He wants to go to Storms End."

"Why not send an emissary?" Tyrion asked.

"Because the letters are for him." Daenerys said. "This Vale woman wants to meet with Davion personally."

"Do you believe it's wise?" Tyrion asked.

"I think that Davion wouldn't do anything to get himself in danger." Daenerys said. "This woman has five thousand men in her army and she's willing to let Davion command them as long as he meets her."

"That's all?" Tyrion was very suspicious about this. "What if she wants to marry him? It would be an easy way for a bastard to rise to power."

"Davion wouldn't do that." Daenerys said. "He wouldn't hurt me like that."

"I'm glad that you have that much faith in him." Tyrion said.

"When he died it felt as if the world stopped moving." Daenerys said. "Nothing else mattered. Not Mereen, not the Iron Throne, nothing. I felt as if I wanted to die just there."

"You love him, and he loves you." Tyrion pointed out.

"He's a warrior, he's always been a warrior first." Daenerys pointed out. "He'll protect the people that he loves even if it costs him his life." She said sadly. "Lady Olenna told me that once Cersei learns that Davion is alive she'll turn the realm against me and fabricate a story about how I'm the reason Davion is with me and not with her. As of I forced him to be my slave."

Tyrion sighed knowing it was all true. "My sister will do this, yes." Tyrion agreed. "Our only advantage is Davion. The lords of the realm respected his father and were ready to acknowledge him as king before Cersei ruined his life. Perhaps when you take the throne with Davion at your side, they will all see you the way we all see you." Daenerys facial expression changed. "What?"

"I don't want Davion to be harmed." Daenerys said. "Everything that I've learnt about him from the people who know him makes me want to protect him even more."

"He hasn't told me any of it." Tyrion said.

"I don't believe that I know even half of it." Daenerys said.



"So you were killed by your brothers of the Nights Watch?" Davion asked Jon.

"Yes." Jon said. "Stabbed repeatedly. What of you?" He asked. "You mentioned that you were dead as well."

Davion sighed. "Aye. I fought these mercenaries alongside Ser Barriston and Grey Worm. Thorak intervened later, but we were never going to make it, and they killed me."

"At least you helped everyone before you died." Jon pointed out.

"You helped people as well." Davion said. "Thousands of wildlings are alive because of you." He pointed out.

"We should start mining the dragonglass." Jon said. "My people need me."

"Of course." Davion said.

"What will you do when you see your mother?" Jon asked.

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