Liberation Of Volants Part 1

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Myrcella Baratheon shot up out of bed. She looked around her. "Trystane?" She called out

"I'm here." Trystane rushed to her.

"Where are we?" She asked and before her betrothed could answer Thorak made his presence known.

"You're safe, princess." He said. "Apologies for taking you away from your home, but I had no choice."

"No choice!? Everyone has a choice." Myrcella said. "You've just made the wrong one!"

"I didn't." Thorak said. "I didn't because I promised your brother that I would help you."

"Tommen sent you?" Myrcella asked.

"No, princess. Not Tommen. Davion." Thorak said.

"Prince Davion has been dead for three years now." Trystane said.

"He is dead yes, but I saw him a fortnight ago." Thorak said.

"That's not possible." Myrcella said in disbelief. "As prince Trystane said, my brother died three years ago."

"Princess, your brother has been alive for three years after the king Robert died." Thorak said.

"How?" Myrcella asked.

"I don't know how to explain this." Thorak said.

"Try." Trystane said seeing his betrothed in distress.

"Your mother sold Davion into slavery and he was saved by Daenerys Targaryen. The pair formed a bond and fell in love, but a week ago we were ambushed by...mercenaries, and they killed him." Thorak said.

" you're lying." Myrcella said. "My mother would never do this."

"I'm sure Davion said that a few times when he was a slave." Thorak said. "I don't expect you to believe me, princess, but I'm taking you to someone who could explain this far better than I. Someone who like me would've died for Davion. She'll tell you everything."

Myrcella had tears in her eyes. "You have his body?" She asked.

"Yes, princess." Thorak said. "He's buried in Mereen."

"Take me to him then." Myrcella said. "I want to see my brother."  Thorak smirked and they sailed straight for Mereen.

Volantis - Three weeks later

"Remind me to never doubt you again." Mitraat said to Kinvara.

"It's not me you doubt, it's the Lord of Light." Kinvara said.

It had been four weeks since Davion removed Blackfyre and the two priests were watching as Davion was training. They remembered how Davion complained about the sword being heavy, but now he moves flawlessly with it. They had moved from Pentos to Volantis with a purpose that they haven't told Davion yet, they were waiting for Desma to report her findings for there were slaves that needed to be freed in this very city and only Davion could help.

"We have to tell him." Mitraat said.

"Only when Desma returns." Kinvara said. They saw Davion approach them. "It would seem that you've become a master to the sword."

Davion winced at the word 'master'. "I prefer the term expert, not master."

"Of course." Kinvara said.

"So when do we leave?" Davion asked. Daenerys still needs me. "Even you agreed that she does."

"And we meant it, but there's business here that needs to be dealt with." Mitraat said.

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