New Road

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Kings Landing

Davion had woken up from a deep sleep. He looked down at his chest and smiled as he saw the top of the Silver blonde hair of his wife Daenerys Targaryen. Her gentle breaths warmed his heart. He was happy for the first time in years. He then brushed his finger tips on her back and she stirred a little.

"Mm." She moaned. "If you want to me awake, my king, all you have to do is ask."

"Where's the the fun in doing that?" Davion asked and Daenerys looked at him and moved up to him.

"Good morning, my love. Did you sleep well?" She asked Davion.

"After lastnight, how could I not." He said.

Daenerys blushed and looked at the wedding ring on her finger. "Yes well. It does feel good to call you my husband, and to know that you're mine forever."

"Indeed." Davion smiled at her. "I don't want us to be apart anymore. Not now, not ever."

"I'm not going anywhere." Daenerys giggled as Davion flipped her on her back. He then started kissing her on her lips and then her neck.

"We have a council meeting to attend...oh Davion, oh that feels so good." Davion continued to kiss her neck and touched her body. "Just...oh yes...a few minutes." She said as she gave in.

"Deal." Davion said and he positioned his cock at the wet entrance of her pussy. She gasped as he entered her.

"Don't hold back Davion, please give me more!" She moaned. Suddenly Davion was quiet. "Davion?" Daenerys then saw a blade piece right through his chest. "No!"

Illiyana stood above them with a dagger in her hand. "I told you before, he's mine." She then slit Davions throat and his blood sprayed all over Daenerys. "You're next. He'll die and it will be all your fault." She then stabbed Daenerys.

Road to Mereen

Daenerys snapped out of it. She was day dreaming while her dragon Drogon was on her lap. Even though her and Davion weren't together, she loved him. For the last six months she had kept her promise and chose to wait for Davion. The two of them would glance at each other once in a while, but they didn't do anything more since they had kissed. Daenerys was getting frustrated because she wanted him and she was worried that his feelings for her would fade soon. She was petting Drogon as she saw Rhaegal and Viserion fly towards them with a lamb. Drogon decided to join in on it and as the oldest he made sure that he ate first.

"Shh. Shh." Daenerys tried to calm her child down and Drogon snapped at her. She moved back in shock that he would try to attack her. Rhaegal and Viserion flew a way with the lamb and Drogon followed.

"Are you alright Daenerys?" Davion asked as he approached her.

"I'm fine," She said. "He was just hungry."

"They're dragons Khaleesi," Ser Jorah spoke up. "They can never be tamed. Not even by their mother."

They then walked to meet Ser Barriston, Missandei and the Unsullied. "Ser Barriston." She greeted.

"Your grace." The old knight bowed his head.

"Where's Dario Naharis? Where's Grey Worm?" Daenerys asked.

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